From an email I received.  Always use these situations as a fire drill.  If one goes live, you'll be as prepared as you can be.

I just heard on Alex Jones radio program that he is reading a report that the US is prepared to strike Syria as early as Thurs or Friday, but they are planning for Thurs. The report is on Stan Deyo's site, will post shortly.
This is SERIOUS...........ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN NOW.  Please take this warning serious.  On Drudge Report there is an article the bombing will start in next few days............
Please prepare as fast as possible.  Check your supplies, place in necessary place in case you have to move quickly.  Please........
GET OUT OF THE CITIES, if you can.........the US will also be hit at some point after this.  

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  • Stay alert.  Be prepared.

  • BEWARE this is a holiday weekend and anything could happen O's worst executive orders were on holiday's.

  • Yes, thank the real power that is.  The longer it's delayed the more people can wake up and potentially change the future.

  • The world seems to have woken up fast enough to stop this genocide for now but they will be looking for another excuse so be careful Mariana.

  • I hope you're right Mariana.

    Thoughts of peace are sent your way!

  • It's arround 10:15 and I'm at work.  I was shure that we will wake up in the middle of the night to the "pleasant" howling of the sirens. It didn't happen, thank God or the ETs or hoomever prevented it from happening.  For some reazon, I believe it will not happen at all, that it was Obombo and his gang showing muscles and that's all.

  • I agree with that.  If this impending catastrophe is somehow averted, it will happen because of "divine" intervention, in whatever form that takes.

  • Yes, we do though I don't know what will we do about our pets.

    If there are any ET friends arround, it's the time to intervene!!

  • I'm glad, Mariana.  Do you have gas masks in case of chemical attacks?

  • In the news here they say they will start the bombing by next Monday, The day the UN inspectors are suposed to leave Syria.

    My bomb shelter is clean and ready.

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