Uh, how do the homeless and those without incomes pay for the insurance? Subsidies don't work if you don't pay. Say you're an out-of-work guy whose unemployment has run out and still can't find work. Will these people have to pay penalties? How about an nice big insult with that injury, Joe Citizen.
This still looks like shifting the expense burden of older folks (many of whom have higher salaries) onto the backs on younger people (many of whom make less).
My son is disabled and applying for SSDI. If and until he is approved, he has nothing. No income (except food stamps). In Virginia, adults with no children are not entitled to Medicaid. So, obviously, there are still those who will fall through the cracks.
I have a radical idea. Rather than implementing this mess, why not stop sending money to the MB and funding b.s. wars, and start taking care of Americans for a change? Just a thought.
That's why they are hiring more agents, to do collections.
You can bet there will be late penalties since the IRS is the collector.
$95 penalty = a tax, pure and simple. If you buy something, you pay a sales tax. In this case, if you don't buy something, you pay a penalty tax. What's the difference?
It is failing before it even starts so what is to come is total failure.
There is only one thing good about it, it will wake a lot of people up to the fact that government controls us.
No matter what we want we will only get it with their permission.
I agree, it must be designed to fail so we have to look for the real reason they are pushing this nonsense.
They have gone too far because it is doubtful that enough young people will sacrifice essential necessities for health insurance.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what they are up to and I think most young people will see it.
As Keith mentioned, the $95. penalty will be the popular choice for most.
Yeah, I think scam is right. It was said in one of the articles I posted yesterday that the young people are basically being forced to pay for older people's deteriorating health. The no-prexisting-condition rule insurers now have to obey will probably bankrupt them. It was said that "they hope" enough young people enroll to foot the bill. If not, it could be a disaster on that count. Maybe that explains the penalties, to force people to enroll so that the system will not fall flat.
So if you pay the $95 a month and get no coverage what does it have to do with being healthcare. The microchips come next or you won't have coverage. If you pay your coverage price and then add your deductible to it you could of bought two plans. With all the poisons we are ingesting on a daily basis plus the part time nation we are turning into this Tax will be a total failure , oh yea that's what it was designed to be how silly of me. If you get Pneumonia will you have to wait till there is a doctor available if any stay in the system that will pay them what the system chooses to pay them.
I don't get it either, affordable health care, definitely not.
This leads me to believe that it is all just another scam to oppress us by robbing us blind.
I do think they have gone too far and just maybe the public will wake up and stand up this time.
Don, how do they justify such variations in price?
Yes, Byron, with a $2500 deductible, many people will usually not meet it.