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  • Certain Christians believe in a rapture which sounds like the lift
  • I agree with Sandra as I read through this I kept thinking of time not meaning much to our friends. We know that this planet has gone through many catastrophic events the deeper they dig the more civilizations they find. Many past civilizations have warned us of this time. We also know that their are many visitors here with different purposes. Volcanos, earthquakes and nuclear danger have never been greater. We know that the earth really needs to be cleansed. I believe the galactic family knows what is coming well in advance and would of started years ago because of its enormity to evacuate the a whole planet.  

  • All will be Gone(Ascended) or in a safe places so that Mother Terra can do what She needs to do when WE are Ready. Then we all will be in the Time of Now. We spend most of are energy thinking of the Past/Future, what is to come? losing out on Now. Now IS! What is it that you would Love to do Now!

    I Love Sending energy to help others

    I Love to give Hugs

    I Love receive Hugs

    What is it that you Love to do _______?

  • Another parallel to prophecy: "Inner disturbances taking place within the planet itself are direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations of those who dwell upon it. We have repeatedly attempted to turn the thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles. We have dared to lower our craft into your frequencies in a visible way. We have dared to expose ourselves in vulnerable situations in order to convince souls of Earth of our presence."  I can find a ton of related information from prophecy that match the same meaning as what I bolded.

  • "Any threatening approach of another Heavenly body can be strongly averted from its direction. This type of surveillance is constant."

  • "The possible polar shift has been greatly lessened and gentled by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds. "  

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