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  • My comments would be the same as Kim's
  • Well said Shadow. I see all around me people who do not see the signs and go on with life as if nothing is ever going to happen. They do nothing to prepare, and mock those who stress preparing for what is to come.
  • The Japan quake happened much sooner than what she predicted.
  • "The earthquake and volcanic activity that Japan is experiencing is unsettling other fault lines, which can trigger off other natural disasters. If you are in an area of possible risk (as I have been forewarning), please have your survival bag packed and well equipped. Ensure you have lots of drinking water on hand, food supplies and, if in an area of potential radiation fallout, have iodine on hand too. 


    March 12, 2011  


    Be forewarned that there will be great danger from now through the entire month of April for natural disasters (earthquakes/ tsunamis, etc.) and also for aggressee upon  planet (uprisings, protests and unsettled human conditions).  Watch out for Japan, Australia, New Zealand, China , the USA, Syria, Libya and Canada."

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