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  • Weiynala   Its all of the above,as you can see the youth of the world have taken to the streets because they see no possible future. TPTB have done what they planned along time ago, remove God from the equation and change the morals of the world. I find it sad to send a death squad out to save your youth.
  • The drug war, like prohibition, is doomed to fail. The government cannot successfully mandate what free humans put into their bodies, nor should it IMO. That having been said, heroin is a horribly addictive drug, and I do not condone it's use.
  • There is too much money to be made and lives of drug overdoses do not matter to TPTB  Great idea Jacks but it won't happen. This same shit was going on in the Vietnam war. There is a lot of work to do to get this world back to where it should be, Nibiru is an easier solution, but quite messy.
  • I like the Ideal of just spray all of the feilds, whole world no more poppies.
  • The times they are a changing........Money is finally beginning to take a back set.....over truer values that have been long overlooked and longed supressed...




  • PUTIN Offered to spray the poppies in Afganistan two years ago and was refused by the US. Now his youth are addicted.  

    Isn't this a job for Cobra???  This is more of a Rambo style solution.....


    The problem....

    2967656404?profile=originalThe Cure....


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