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  • What I read into this report is that East Coast nuclear plants are not built to withstand even moderate quakes.  I think Terral is right about the East Coast becoming a radiation wasteland.  However, there have been indications that the ET's are going to try to mitigate it, so let's hope so.

    Chernobyl overdue and Fukushima just not going to happen.  We're melting!  We're melting!  Oh, what a world, what a world! (playing on the Wicked Witch of the West's quote as she's melting). 

  • I certainly hope the inspection report is correct and not covering up a problem. The record of the NRC is not very truthful. I think its time to start finding a safe place for fuel rods as the earthquake get larger. The report say's it will take two years to get reports from some plants. Chernobyl is now 10 years over due for it's new dome. An earthquake there will threaten europe again. They need 1 billion dollars to cover it and just don't have it. More misplaced priorities.     
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