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  • 3D offers such a variety of experiences - some are good, some are bad - I'll keep smiling!

  • You can say that again Byron.

  • Living in this 3 D world sure has its trying times doesn't it Peter.

  • I wasn't really having a go at Mike Adams - I also believe he is a good man - and he has done heaps of good research.

    I guess I'm just getting sick and tired of the whole profit/cost thing especially where health is concerned.

    I know it's just a 3D construct and I should just play the game, but I think the necessities of life such as food, shelter, clothing and health should not be part of the game where those that can afford it "can have" and those that cannot afford it "can't have".

  • Amazing break through again for Mike Adams and he needs to patent it and get it on the market and keep it away from big pharma. Lets hope it will not be too expensive to purchase for all in need. He has spent his life helping people so yes he should get a profit and I am sure it will go into more critical research for humanity. I have been reading his news letters for 4 years. He is truly a good man.

  • I thought, however, he was going to provide all of his findings for free - obviously not - he is going to reserve the ones that can make money and exploit those. I'm a bit disappointed  - but I guess he has to recoup his costs.

  • Good research!

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