Re Gulf Stream

An email I received
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 10:12 PM
Subject: Marines Urge Stocking Up on Food, Ammo
The Marines are part of the Navy. The Navy has been briefing their people about rising ocean levels since 1979.
Part of these matters has always been the Gulf Stream stopping, (which on 12 June 2010, it did).
Attached is the 2003 DOD Report (try this link: which has as its premise the Gulf Stream either slowing down or stopping. Also attached is my most recent article, "The Gulf Stream Has Stopped" (
These papers stand on their own. Mine is backed by verifiable scientific evidence from mainstream scientific sources. The DOD report speaks for itself.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, the DOD report is now (The Fall of 2010) becoming reality.
Feel free to distribute this note and the two articles.
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  • They already have such turmoil over the economy and riots over student fees.  And the swine flu is back again.  They don't need any more problems.

  • Our pipes froze last year.  You can melt snow for water but it is a p.i.t.a.

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