Reactor # 2 in Fukushima explodes

Reactor # 2 has had an explosion!


Reactor number 2 in Fukushima, Japan has now expoloded. Japan news reports also that 2.7 of a rod is exposed. This means that the sea water can not cool the rods because it is evaporating too quickly.


There also are reports that there are some stronger radiation readings were found south of the plant. All personel but those working on the reactor to keep it from exploded are not being evacuated from reactor 2.

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  • Alan, I think the efforts are directed to keeping the spread of radioactive contamination to a minimum.  But if it melts down, they have lost the game.  It will get into the groundwater and it's already airborne somewhat.  These efforts are aimed at mitigating as much as possible, I don't think it's winnable any longer.

    TraC, good to have you here.  I did hear there was an earthquake near Tokyo in that range.  I don't know if that means an aftershock or something else is starting to build.  The magnetosphere is building heat, the mega-moon is coming (though Piers Corbyn doesn't think it will add a lot to the situation...however, if the situation is already hair trigger, well, you know the saying the straw that broke the camel's back

  • Sounds like to me that had just give up on it and get the heck out while they still can. I say let it meltdown. It's not worth risking more human death's. I know it's a stupid comment to even say. But. If there loosing that battle. Then why keep trying?
  • Glad to be here Cheryl! Don't know if this is related, and I don't know if anyone is following, but about 45 minutes before the explosion, there was a 5.0 EQ south of  of Fukushima (actually close to the tip of Tokyo), the next was right after (I mean RIGHT after) at a 5.0 and was north of Sendai, and the third was maybe 15 minutes later a lit further off the coast, but mostly parallel to Fukushima.


    I don't know the correlation yet, if there is one, but I do think it is quite a coincidence, knowing that the EQ mostly stopped in that redion today.

  • Higher Radiation Recorded North Of Tokyo (after 3rd explosion)...
  • Welcome, TraC and thanks for the input!  The situation continues to decay.  Here's another link.   It notes that Japan has moved up above the Three-mile Island accident to second place, with Chernobyl still holding the number one spot for nuclear accidents.
  • Stored used fuel rods:      john
  • CNN gives more info


    Here is more info about the reactors, and the readings...

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