Read if you agree Please sign your intent. Thanks


This Awareness has something to speak on that matter and thanks the energizer for her acknowledgement of assistance. It has long been put out that there is collusion between the existing government of the world and the extraterrestrial beings and forces that the governments have made contracts with. It has been put out that the Galactic Federation has not intervened earlier because the official governments of the world, particularly the United States of America and that which is known as Russia, the Russian Federation, previously the Soviet Union, who are more interested in a lucrative contract with aliens that would offer them technology and power, than the Galactic Federation that appeared and asked for assistance to be given, that the old ways of dominance and power and criminality and that a true willing to be of service towards humanity be pursued instead.

The Agreement is Null and Void at This Time

This was rejected by the United States government in favor of a more lucrative contract with those beings known as the Reptilians and the Greys, where there was an offer of technology in exchange for the permission to work surreptitiously in the events and affairs of humanity. The Galactic Federation withdrew at that time since they had not achieved a ratification from the existing governments, especially the United States and Russia; however, at this time, this Awareness wishes to speak of this and suggests that the agreement made by the governments is null and void at this time, for it was never made on behalf of humanity.

Even though it is touted that the Orion Empire is here because they were invited to be here, this no longer holds sway, or any power. It is the right for each and every individual to now cry out against this agreement which does not represent them. That which was their ignorance because of that which was held from them, needs to be broken, needs to be surpassed. That is why the importance of a First Alien Contact is so important at this time.

We Need to Cry Out a Welcome to the Galactic Federation! (An Internet Campaign with Petitions Should Begin Now)

This Awareness would suggest that the individuals now give voice of whom they wish to be in contact with, who they wish to work with. Rather than working with those powers that were hidden for so long, that worked behind the surface as they did; they being the Greys, the Reptilians, the Orions; that a voice go out calling for, and inviting back the Galactic Federation: the Sirians, the Arcturians, and all others of the Galactic Federation who are here to assist at this time. It is even seen that an Internet campaign may be launched, where individuals put out a proclamation, even a petition that is circulated on Internet, a petition requesting assistance at this time by the Galactic Federation, requesting that it be now seen and acknowledged that mankind is starting to understand and recognize that they have been duped by their own governments and that they wish to break free of this and get out of the contract their governments made on their behalf.

Individuals should state that they do not hold to the contracts allegedly made on their behalf and that they wish now to truly welcome the Galactic Federation, those higher forces that have been the guardians of mankind for so long, but have done so from beyond. This Awareness wishes even to say beyond the veil. They have stayed relatively hidden and have not exposed themselves as much as those current extraterrestrial forces that are prevalent in the skies. They are also in the skies above, have assisted where they can, but have been shackled largely from being more open in their assistance because of the alleged contracts made by the governments with those forces that would subjugate humanity to its own realm.

Indeed, many of those ruling powers, including the 13 powerful families, the Illuminati, the Free Masons, the Triumvirate; those controlling powers have long worked with those hidden extraterrestrial forces, against humanity, against the well-being and welfare of humanity. It is time now for humanity to rise up, and say "No more! Enough! This is not my agreement! This is not something that I say yes to! I call to those forces that would free us and assist us! I call to the Galactic Federation as an aware sentient being, that I wish to say YES to those beings who work with us, who would assist us, who would help us grow and expand.

Members Who Know the Internet Well Should Start Now

For those who have understanding of what this Awareness is speaking of, who know the Internet well enough that they could put together a proclamation that can be circulated into human consciousness, that can be passed out and passed along the cyber waves, that this Awareness recommends that this be done. It will have great value and give voice to those who know that the Galactic Federation, those higher forces who would work with society and with humanity are only waiting for the invitation to do so. Let the voice speak out. Let the voice now be heard.


(Thank you) I am hopeful, perhaps CAC will come forth and initiate this for us, so that we can all take part, and the rest of humanity can become aware of it, because we do appreciate whatever the Galactic Federation would offer. Thank you.
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  • Thanks Cheryl

    Its perfect!

    "I am a sovereign being and intend to remain that way.  Because I am not omniscient, not able to know the intent of the other party(ies) to this agreement, I agree with the following conditions:  If you are who you claim to be, good-hearted beings here to help mankind, then I request your assistance.  If you are not who you claim to be, have a hidden agenda, or don't have mankind's best interests in your heart, then I don't."
  • Caution is always good.  It made me stop and think for a while.  I agree that we can't know if there is a hidden agenda or not.  However, to not request for help doesn't help those who truly want to help us.  I would respond thusly:  I am a sovereign being and intend to remain that way.  Because I am not omniscient, not able to know the intent of the other party(ies) to this agreement, I agree with the following conditions:  If you are who you claim to be, good-hearted beings here to help mankind, then I request your assistance.  If you are not who you claim to be, have a hidden agenda, or don't have mankind's best interests in your heart, then I don't.

    The Galactic Federation is that level of higher consciousness and awareness that is here to assist humanity, but also to assist in this time of great need and great change and great upheaval; this time of Ascension, and it waits only to be invited,

    We have to invite them, by signing the petition we are saying that the STS are to be pushed aside contract nul & void! Then The Good Guys can do alot more!

    Please copy and paste to other blogs Thanks.


    The Great Spirit is All, Light, & Compassion!

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