RED FLAG!!!!...Nancy's December 12th News Letter...

Well I explained Ophiuchus here with Brian...and Brian expressed he had retrived it from the other Ning.......SO, then I looked and found the original post at the other Ning about the "Caduceus Symbol"...and I explained it THERE...Yet it went out anyway in Nancy's News Letter as was ......Needless to say, when I read it..I was flabbergasted that it was published as such....

So again let me explain..

The Story behind the Caduceus..

According to Walter Friedlander, in The Golden Wand of Medicine: A History of the Caduceus Symbol in Medicine, this connection can be traced back to 1902, when the U.S. Army adopted the caduceus as the insignia of its Medical Corps, which had previously used the cross.

Earlier, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the caduceus had been used by printers because it was the staff of Hermes (Mercury) the messenger god, and hence the divine deliverer of information.

In the 19th century, a medical publisher used the symbol prominently on its texts, and thereby began the association of the caduceus with medicine, an association made firm by the prevalence of the image in the American Medical Corps during World War I. A symbol first representative of wisdom, eloquence, and communication, thus became the common logo for those in the health profession.

Citing the history of the caduceus, some physicians are critical of the symbol, because Hermes also happens to be the god that leads the dead to the underworld and is not only associated with wealth and commerce, but happens to be the patron of thieves (he is a classic trickster figure in Greek myths). It only makes sense that doctors would NOT want to be associated with trickery, death, and the accumulation of wealth!

Medical purists suggest we should go back to the staff of Aesculapius, which is depicted as a single serpent coiled around a cypress branch.

The Staff of Aesculapius represents Ophiuchus...(The SNAKE Bearer) singular...NOT plurual!

NOT Caduceus with a pair of snakes...which IS plural.. Caduceus represents Mercury and Mercury rules Gemini..the twins...two..therefore two snakes.. Geeeesh!!!

Speaking of Ophiuchus..the Torah/Moses connection is found in scriptures, as I pointed out before...

Exodus 4:2-4, Numbers 21:6-9..

While in the wilderness Moses made a bronze snake/Nehushtan."and put it on a pole...When the Hebrews would get a snake bite..they would "mind-over-matter/focal point-meditate" at/toward the bronze snake and become HEALED...HINT...HEAL...The Rod of Aesculapius!!!!!!! Single snake on rod/pole..

However, the Hebrews begin 2 abuse its purpose and started to worship it had to be destroyed..2 Kings 18:4

Do you think there's a underlying message/warning, that's presenting itself in the News Letter concerning the Caduceus and what IT represents??????

READ WHAT CADUCEUS MEANS AGAIN: god that leads the dead to the underworld, patron of thieves (he is a classic trickster figure in Greek myths...trickery, death,

Good Grief..

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  • October 27th was the 1700th  anniversary of the "Vision of the Cross"  and the  last White House National Christmas tree was planted OCTOBER 27th 2012..

    Here is the interesting post about the miss  87th  anniversary of the White House Illumination...

  • I'm sure there will be plenty of surprises.

  • Yes, it's scary times we live in, because we can't understand all that's coming at us..

    I think relating things to what we already know is the best we can do..

    It does have to do with the heavens but not quite like we thought perhaps..

  • Cetus seems to be a recurring theme.  Three days in the belly of the fish.  Three days between crucifixion and resurrection.  Even the three days of darkness alleged to come with PX.

  • It does tell a different story, doesn't it?

  • Do you have any idea why she may have been targeted?

  • Thanks for the heads up, Alesiah.  Things do happen for a reason.  If your daughter's car was pointing out of the fire station driveway, do you think that was intentional so people would know it wasn't an accident?

  • I am sorry to hear Alesiah.

  • 2967662860?profile=originalMedical what it's used for and emergency vehicle..

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