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  • What with the Trayvon Martin protests not turning into a race war, it could be posited we've all been to poisoned and dumbed down to react to much of anything anymore.

  • How freaky would that be, Finally get most the world involved in ET present thinking, and the AntiChr ends up being an ET or two. was just a flash thought. While I'm on the subject would be funny if the AC was an epic fail.

  • Thanks, Byron. 

  • I just took a nap because I am not sleeping well. I don't plan on listening anyway because I see through everything he say's, more teleprompters and lies. I will read the review and laugh, I can't even stand his voice anymore. I will wake you up before the aliens arrive.    

  • Let's see, we heard there might be an announcement July 4th, then mid-July, now today, July 24th. 


    Wake me when it happens.  I'm going back to sleep now.

    BTW, if he announces disclosure, be very careful that he's not presenting the bad guys as good guys.  This reminds me of Independence Day, where the people were partying on top of Library Tower in downtown L.A., welcoming the really cool aliens, who then shot them dead, along with most of L.A.  From what I've gleaned, the good ones are not the ones making the displays.

  • I really am disappointed with MR.O how could he of told us a lie. The congress was given  two hours to read it what was their problem. Oh yah today is the day O will tell us the truth, its Wednesday.

  • Yes, but the fact it wasn't read is a powerful assertion to ignore it, whether it has been redefined as a tax or not.  Remember, Obama promised no new taxes. 

  • Non compliance is very powerful I agree. I think that was the possible reason it was made a tax.

  • Yes, it was pushed through against any objections, thus it is invalid.  If everyone would just ignore it, it couldn't be implemented.

  • The way it was written allows many more things to be added without our consent or congresses, The people who decide who gets an operation or not will not be manned by medical personnel AKA death panels. The fact that it could not be stopped and made into a Tax by John Roberts when only the congress is the only ones that can enact a tax is telling enough. They tried to fight it but were shut up quickly.

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