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  • I never would have guessed that there was a 14th.....good to know and thank you for educating me a little on this topic :)  it is appreciated.  :)

  • Alex, you certainly didn't step on my toes...LOL  I am a watcher. I am free, being not a part of any, but watching all.

    The actual number of Ophiuchus is 9 counting from Aries.  There have always been 13 sign and also if you want to get technical...there are 14.. that were known by the ancients...

    Heard the story of Jonah and the whale?.. This is Cetus in the stars...and according to Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson.....who is a research scientist in astrophysics for Princeton University where one of my son's friends graduated, and he's also Curator of Astronomy at the Hayden Planetarium... He has expressed both constellations, Cetus and Ophiuchus should be added BACK into the traditional Sidereal Zodiac......they were taken out to keep things balanced during the Roman Empire period, if I'm not mistaken..LOL

  • I really do understand Alesiah......

    Just see things a little differently.  The fact that a 13 member has been added to the zodiac is a bit disconcerting but it just illustrates how the positioning/tilt of the earth has altered over time.....I can't say I am a huge follower of dogma so I rarely comment.....I try hard to avoid stepping on toes.....sorry if I stepped on yours for any reason..... thank you for the break down of these religious practices.....

  • Well Alex, it was simply set-up that way back in ancient times for those groups to have a "focal point" fixation for spiritual meditation. It's simply the "act/ritual" of going through the preperation FOR meditation..

    In otherwords..AWARENESS, evaluating position for proper location placement for prayer ...making ones self aware of location on planet earth.

    Ever heard of the fixed signs in the Zodiac? They are now known as  Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. 

    They were known by the ancients as OX/LION/EAGLE/MAN...

    Two changes occurred..OX was transformed into a Cherub later in Ezekiel and the Eagle was converted by us into Scorpion centuries and centuries ago.. Name changes yes, but perhaps symbolic locations remained fixed?.. However, the references leo the Lion and Aquirius the man...remained constant..

    We are journeying into the Age of to say the least!!!

    Back to the meditation points..If you draw lines from ancient Babylon/Sumer to ancient Egypt, then on down to Mecca. You find you have created an inverted triangle.. The inverted triangle symbolically represented female.. Moon represents female to the ancients as well, and the Islamic nations all pray to Mecca which is located toward the point facing down which represents female as I stated. Islam follow the moon/lunar calendar... This is their focal point of meditation toward the Kaaba which houses the black stones. This has always fascinated me looking at things through ancient symbolism... You might say the triangle represents the craddle of creation for mankind.. 

  • Alesiah,
    I do see where you are coming from.....who will hold the reigns once the three fall......well to that I simply say.....hopefully no one.  We need a time in our history where we don't once again fall in line with what is comfortable and easy, with allowing others to make our choices for us.....hopefully each man/woman will live according to their own choices and merits.....wishful, yes I know but plausible none the less......
    Something I never truly understood.....the whole facing thing when praying.....don't they realize that no matter what facing of direction they choose an imaginary line can be drawn from them to Mecca or whatever other holy site they are looking towards, hence regardless of facing they are looking in the direction of their holy site.......  Just a novel concept, not trying to ridicule or put down anyone's beliefs....
  • Now you see when videos like this pop up it makes me angry that they fed us all that BS  and people believed it.  If it didn't make me so angry it would be laughable how their lies have been exposed over and over again.  Just look at this video.  Not sure about any of you, but that sure does look like controlled demolition in rapid succession........

  • Brian, it looks like many things are pointing to the samething.. 
  • Flight 12 did not reach it's distination..and of course, flew out of sequence..
  • Interestingly enough besides all the number 11 strange connections to the 9/11 WTC attack.. 

    I noticed something and reported it right away after the jet's were identified and their flight numbers released.

    Flight 11

    Flight 93...9+3=12

    Flight 175..1+7+5=13

    Flight 77....7+7=14


  • desertrosetx, Yes, I think it's pretty clear in Revelation that the City divided into three is referring to the three Abraham faiths.. Your right...Time will tell if the Book of Revelation is accurate....

    The reason I'm bringing up the Holocaust and Hitler is because I feel we need to be at watch concerning Israel... There's a 70 year prediction that was established in the Tanach about it .. Think of Nostradamus.....and HIstler reference.. Now we are at another prediction cycle..

    I look at many sources for clues of up-coming events, and we are at the door of another one..


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