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  • Of course, I remember her. Welcome back!
  • Yes I remember Alesiah and have been watching her thread.

  • Kim and Dianna, if you remember Alesiah, she will be back with some interesting information.

  • On Facebook, Dutchsinse has been warning the Pacific Northwest for a few days now due to pressures building there.  Also he has noted other areas where he is suspecting larger quakes to happen in the near future.

  • Is the Grand cross the factor?

  • Wish you could say Cheryl, inquiring minds want to know :)

  • And the Grand Cross happening next Monday, I believe, during which transit wars, etc. happen. Huge energies. For sure, the crust is moving. This agrees with what was posted about the poles drifting, IMHO.

    Thanks, Byron.
  • Mmmm ...... now you've got us (well, me at least) intrigued Cheryl!

  • We're working on it, trying to make it not so BIG.  Let's hope not too soon, but there are complicating factors compounded by a new factor.... can't say no more.

  • how soon will Big be?
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