Yesterday, by " CHANCE" I just bought this book at the used bookstore in Mountainview, Ca. The author , J.R. Jochmans spent 14 years of research and 2 years in writing this book which is about the ancient prophecies, present day prophecy, pre-cognition, vision, premonition, out-of-body vision from people of all walk of life sharing their UNIQUE experiences regarding catastrophe in the US , California...

this book mentioned pole shift is one of the culprit causing earthquake, tidal waves, volcanoes.....

One of the interesting point is that this book was first printed and published in October 1980 ; sixth printing July 1983

Below are some of the quotes through out the book ( I just finished half of this book); please read and see for yourself : kind of lengthy but interesting !!

I also notice the timing of this book come into my hand in these day ( 7 of 10 is on the horizon!!??)

1)" A twelfth century prophecy about America"

Perhaps the earliest vision ever made concerning the future of the US was made by Saint Hildegarde, three centuries before the New World was discovered......She prdicted that one day there would come forth " a great nation across the ocean that will be inhabited by peoplws of different tribes and descent" -- a good description of the American " melting pot" of immigrants from many foreign countries.

For this future nation, ...the Saint sounded several warnings, all of which would come about near or at the time of the appearance of the " great comet"

Just before the comes, Saint Hildergarde forecast, " many nations" including America " will be scourged by want and famine". The great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water....The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed

Fortunately, however, Saint Hildergarde looked beyond, and also forecast that after the great comet, and after earth upheavals and wars are finished, the globe will eventually enter a peaceful age.....a land brought back to abundance and tranquility..."


In 1969, the Future of Foundation of Steinauer, Nebraska published a small book entitled 1970-1980 Prophecies of Cyrus, containing " channeled" material on future events...: San Francisco will one day completely disappear into the Pacific with nothing left " stcking out of the water". The Californian coast will be broken back toward the mountains....a powerful quake along San Andreas will occur damaging both Los Angeles and San Francisco.... Robert C. " Doc" Anderson.

Mrs. Diane McLeod " saw" a seismic scale point 9.2 richters on Los Angeles....6.9 in Sacramento and higher at San Francisco. Many high rise builings collapsed into rubble, and not far away, Mt Shasta stirred and began to erupt....and these however will only the first signals for an even greater disaster, and those who understood the signs would leave in time.....the ocean will rush in , covering most of Los Angeles, and other portions of California will similarly flood, with tremendous loss of life

in March of 1967, a Mr. Jasper Pierce of Sumter, south of California, found himself being " taken" to above the Imperial valley in California, a vantage pointfrom which he witnessed the coast from San Francisco to the gulf of California collapsing into ocean, at the same time the tremendous mass of molten rock pushed upward from beneath. Looking eastward: Pierce saw; the Grand Canyon opening wider....


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  • Hi Hung, been thinking of you, I was wondering how your reading of this book is coming along. Let me know any more information you've discovered here. :-) Thanks, e
  • per Zeta, all of Californian inland valley will be flooded, including the Silicon valley , where I live; I'm still looking for the safe location , may be somewhere in the Sierras
  • Hung, I looked San Jose up on the map to make sure I knew where it was at, I had thought it was further south, near San Diego, where Brian is at, but I discovered that you are very close to San Francisco, southeast a bit, and still very close to the coast.

    I wonder if you're familiar with Marshall Masters, Amy Evans refers to him a lot in her posts, because he has been very active in following the breaking news of incoming bodies to our solar system. Marshall describes in some of his books the vision he had when he was quite young, about the area around San Francisco. It was about a huge tsunami, and how this wave just tore through San Francisco, I believe it affected San Jose as well, and all the chemicals in the computer tech companies there was dispersed in the water of this wave, which caused horrible deaths among the people there.

    I believe that Teresa C used to live there, and I think Sizzle was close. They both seem to be further inland now, possibly closer to the Sierra's, is this where you are planning to head?
  • Wow, that is pretty intense. What did it say about the New York area?
  • Edina, I live in Ca, San jose
  • It's interesting that the same song is sung in many different languages.
  • Hung, you live in California don't you? I've learned the hard way that it pays to notice when books come my way. I remember reading this book a while back, low profile, not much press coverage, but still quite interesting info. Descriptions fit the visions my husband has had of the area...
    I'm hoping you got your BOB/GOOD plans up to speed. :-)
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