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  • That is why I think that the Virus Theory just might hold more water than an actual person per se.  With the reported chemtrails, who knows what exactly is in them!   Time will tell what the truth is.  :)

    Earthquakes are on the rise, a volcano in Hawaii has been reported to have decreased lava dome.  Strange times indeed.  Add to this, Cpt Bill's vid stating incoming space debris

  • Anything and anyone is possible at this point in the game.  My personal opinion is that "The end of days" will be a combination of "God-Made" and "Man-Made". 

    God Made examples- PX, Elenin, natural Earthquakes, Tsunamis, solar flares, etc

    Man-Made examples- HAARP, Chemtrails, economy crashes, man made virus's, etc

  • Brian, there is also a theory that MABUS is a virus.  See the attached link:

  • The Federal Reserve is supposed to be making a statement at about 2:15pm today.  Depending on that statement and how investors react to it, will depend how the economy will go from there.  Here is the link for it:

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