I AM Teachings
SAINT GERMAIN’S BREAKFAST TALKDetroit, Michigan—November 27, 1936
In watching over the Expansion of the Light within the Students, which We try to do so carefully, We often see blessed, precious ones just SO near that Inner Freedom. Yet a flash of irritation and disturbance draws the curtain again. If it were possible for Us to feel agony, it would be at that moment. So, I want you to feel how important it is and why sometimes, I impel the Messengers so powerfully to keep this explanation before you; because you must keep beating down this wall of human interference, that prevents you quickly entering into Freedom, from these many human limitations.
Will you not do this, precious hearts? I am very grateful there are so many blessed ones here from the various points, to carry this forward with them. I know the human is so difficult to control, but the Presence WILL control the feeling and speech of the individual, if really called earnestly in action to do so—that is Its Province. Your Higher Mental Body is the Guard. Oh that you might know how powerful a Guard your Higher Mental Body is, in your call to the Presence! You will notice, that I rarely refer to the Higher Mental Body; because when you call to the Presence, the Law of your Being and Life is: that your Higher Mental Body takes up your call, sets it into action, and operates it. So naturally, We must use the word "effort” because it requires an effort on your part, to hold your attention to the Presence. Through that, you can allow the Presence to do all these things for you so beautifully. Won’t you please call your "Mighty I AM Presence” to stand guard over your feeling and speech?
I say frankly to you: that you will have no trouble with your thought, if once the FEELING is controlled} but you CANNOT control your thought, if the feeling is left running rampant. Now, let us once and for all take such command, or call the Presence to take such command of your FEELING that no longer, no matter what the outer provocation is, will you allow discordant feeling to assert itself, through any outer disturbance or irritation of any kind.
I say this to you: Your Inner call which you just made for Our tangible, visible Appearance, has gone up with so great a Love! Oh dear ones, can you realize how close that is? However, this you MUST know, this you MUST understand: when We come forth in the tangible visible Body to you, lowering the rate of the vibration of Our Bodies—making them visible and tangible to you —a tremendous Electronic Force is released. One day, but not yet, we shall explain to you why it is so, when that powerful Electronic Force is released. Suppose I were to stand visible to you here, the Cosmic Law that We have now entered into, in Its Activity in the earth, does not permit Us to draw within Us this Electronic Force and hold it, as We have done previous to forty years ago. We MUST release this—NOW; for it is the Law of Our Being. To-day, if I stood visible before you here, I would be COMPELLED to release this Electronic Force which is within My Being. If there were those in the room who were subject, let us put it that way, to irritation and disturbance, it would so charge them with its force, that it would make it very difficult for them, for days to come, to control the irritation. It would act through the quality which they had predominant in their feeling. Do you not see that?
Therefore, IT IS HARMONY WITHIN YOUR FEELINGS that is required, not only for the Expansion of your own Light, but for Our Visible, tangible Presence to you. We have endeavored in almost every conceivable way to convey this to the students. I want to say to the Appointed Messengers present, Beloved Ones, STAND GUARD AS YOU NEVER DID IN YOUR LIVES BEFORE, AND AT WHATEVER EFFORT UPON YOUR PART HOLD LOVE AND HARMONY IN YOUR FEELINGS. Do NOT allow anything to make you feel critical toward anybody.
The receding—let us put it more plainly— "the dying out” of the sinister activity of the earth, is in its last throes. That is why every once in awhile individuals feel a sudden powerful impact of some discordant thing. Now listen carefully to this, dear hearts: there is no thing discordant or destructive in all the Universe that can reach you, except through your irritated, discordant feelings.
The Voice of the I AM, February 1937. Saint Germain Press.