SaLuSa 14-May-2012

There is evidence of the inevitable collapse of the dark cabal and you need to be on your guard. They will try every possible ruse and disinformation to make a last attempt to create doubt and fear. Be aware and ignore anything that feels other than the Light and focus on all that is pure and harmonious. There is nothing to fear any longer as your future is absolutely assured and nothing is going to prevent Disclosure and the arrival of our Space Friends. The opportunity to ascend is the natural conclusion of this cycle, and although you have missed out on earlier occasions, this time if you are ready you are absolutely certain to ascend. Mere mortals cannot stop what has been divinely decreed and bear in mind it applies to the whole Universe.

There are many people of good heart and compassion who are unaware of what is coming but that will not preclude their opportunity to ascend. It is the many human traits that are accepted in society that holds one back. However, providing your life is one that is full of good intent, and that you value and respect all forms of life you are still of the Light. God desires that as many souls as possible rise up and leave the lower dimension and are rightly restored to their place in the higher ones. Yet you are the one who makes the decision as to your future, and you are totally free to decide what you do. Anyone who is in doubt can trust their intuition/Higher Self, as you may not necessarily have finished with your experiences in duality. It comes down to what you feel comfortable with, but please do not fear change as it is happening quite naturally all of the time. The impulse is to drive onwards ever consuming more Light, that is in any event going to raise your level of consciousness and awareness.

So many people have low opinions of themselves that are keeping them in the lower vibrations. For whatever reason that occurs, find a way to love yourself and forgive yourself for having gone astray. All souls have elected to experience duality to speed up their evolution, and all at some time will have dropped into the dark recesses of the mind. You will as you see it have made mistakes, but it is human to err and you must move on and benefit from them. If there are additional lessons to be learnt, then you will pick them up at some future stage or in another life. Concentrate on the Light within because even the hardest hearted persons still have it, and it can be developed. Shake off those undesirable attachments that you have carried around with you, and once you vow to do so you will be helped by your Guides.

Much of what we give you is unfortunately associated with religion, and we know some people totally reject it. It must be said that spiritual knowledge has nothing to do with organized religion, as it is Universal knowledge that applies to every soul whether they are aware of it or not. Religion has helped many souls but it reaches a point where it cannot advance any further, as it is largely based upon false concepts. To move beyond it one has to assume responsibility for their evolution and work from within. Each of you has the truth within even if it is held subconsciously, and when you find those quiet moments in life you will be able to find it. Trust in your own guidance and you will not go far wrong.

The Earth is a wonderful entity of Light who has become your planetary Mother to help you evolve. You are One with her which is why you are to ascend together and take your place in the higher dimensions. It will move you nearer to your true reality, but in essence you are Light and will eventually reach levels where all souls become as One. It is the Oneness that you are striving for, as you have found that separation from the Source is not fulfilling your needs.

So Dear Ones you near the time of dramatic and welcome change, as at last your civilization has progressed sufficiently to ascend. The battle between the dark and Light for control is taking place in front of your eyes, yet very little about it has appeared in your media. That will change before long and you will appreciate how much we have been doing on your behalf. Our reunion is not very far away, and it shall be a joyful occasion that shall be suitably celebrated. We are your family and we shall join hands and move into the Golden Age, where we will do so much together to ensure you are made at home. Life will be so different that you will soon forget the trials and tribulations of evolving in duality.

As you are aware, you are to experience a new way of living before you ascend. It will prepare you for even greater changes that will settle you into a way of life that will see you happy and satisfied. Everyone will be content and able to enjoy a freedom not experienced on Earth at present. Your time will be largely yours to follow whatever pursuits give you happiness. You will not have to cope with tiredness that often afflicts you now, as the higher vibrations will keep you energetic and also healthy. Illness and disease will also disappear for the same reason.

Try not to mourn the passing of much you have got used to as in every respect you gain, and life will become so much more fulfilling. We could jokingly ask if you have ever seen an unhappy Space Being, because we epitomize all that you are to be. Our technologies are to be used to raise you up, and will restore each one of you to a totally healthy Being. We use sound for healing, and you have not always understood how powerful it is, and without realizing it have damaged your bodies through misuse. It can be a two edged sword, but we can also use it for other purposes that are all positive.

As we have mentioned we are very active now, stepping in where further danger threatens your existence. It will not be long before your cabal realizes that they cannot go on any longer, as their plans are now in total disarray. They also face up to the inevitable end of the cycle, and their own responsibilities for so much criminal action against Humanity. There is no escape as you will see in due course.

I am SaLuSa and ever happy to greet you with my messages. We wish to inspire you with hope and joy as you enter the last days.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

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  • Keep on going, Salusa, lets all get our act together and start the big ball rolling, maybe a few more lessons a few more missiles or stealth fighters made to vanish......why not a few politicians and bankers at the same time???

  • Rocky Mountain High!

    The Energy of The New Age Flowing
    We are all within Crystal Spheres, enraptured by a vibrant, swirling, flowing Energy of many colors but particularly of Magenta that electrifies, flashes, between and through us.  A greater and greater Feeling of Communion and Community flow with this Unifying Energy, this Blessing of Unity, linking us ever closer in heart and mind.  My own heart and mind and spirit are becoming more radiant with a higher vibrancy and openness. Beyond this Sparkling Sphere, I can see stellar space, many radiant stars and beautifully flowering galaxies, and so feel simply alive with joyous wonder.  A Guardian for our World speaks:
    <Cosmic Winds, Cosmic Energies, Esfoma, from The Ethereal Harvest Fields of Kosmon, now sweep across these heavens, hada, and mortal lands.  The New Spirit of The New Age of Kosmon, long foretold, is sweeping through the hearts and minds of all Children of The New Age. The Gathering of The Lost That Are Found, has begun.  From all the American Tribes, from all cultures, nations, religions, and races, shall The New Race be fashioned, The New Community be founded from. 
    Look up now to the Skies and perceive the Heavens of The Angels, for these shall open in Splendor before you as the Veils of Mortality are pulled back never to return.  The New Dispensation, all Children of The Father-Mother, Universe-Creator, shall live henceforth in Full Heart Felt Love and Affection, as True brothers, True Sisters of The Resurrection Unto The Stars.  We bid you to watch and wait no longer, but to join hands and fortunes, hearts and minds, and work to ameliorate the abandoned children who shall be daily growing ever greater in number.
     For out of the darkness and confusion, battle and pain of this Ending Night of Selfishness, shall stream forth The Bright Universal Sun of Kosmon, that shall Unite All in One Family of the Great Spirit.  Hearts of The Sacred Heart, Now Attune and Be One, filled with the Life Ever-Lasting, Love Ever-Fulfilling, and Joys Ever-Overflowing.>        end
  • May 5, 2012
    SIGN OF THE CREATOR. O Divine Presence, may we shine forth Thy True Inspiration as the Fullest Moon, Completing Thy Circle of Unity and Truth across our world and beyond. Our praise, our thanks, our wonder and love, are ever Thine, now and always. Amen.
    Aspects of Light are especially penetrating. Aspects converge.
    Auspicious are such for fuller growth interior, even whilst laboring in the exterior, in times of lengthened light.
    For labor accelerates growth and experience; it is the body and spirit, both in motion. Exercise each well. These record. These record thine every motion, within, without.
    They are made for exercising.
    They are aspects of thyself.
    Thou art a veritable RECORD.
    Upon thee is written thy relatively short past; and the longer past of thy forebears.
    Thou art a scroll in the making.
    Yet little canst thou comprehend the unfolding, the unfurling yet to come.
    Though thou sayest the word “infinite,†of this thou hast yet little experience.
    Remain open to infinitude, yet remain just as open to the now, and what is before thee to do. Neglect not what is in front of thee. Keep thine eye balanced, even as thou canst see far, and yet near, in nearly the same moment.
    Walk in both realms simultaneously. This is the walk of the modern mystic.
    It is not for Man—even the spiritual Man—to be only inward. To become whole meaneth to practice, putting forth effort in the outer world as well, for this is thy birthing place, and for wise purpose.
    Grow as a circle grows, expanding from thy center, symmetrically.
    Grow as the moon light, wholly, and in beauty.
    Walk in both, heaven and earth,
    like the circle: without end
    The glory and the wonder of Creation fills me.  The vastness of Your Being.  The diversity of Your Being.  The Love which manifest through out all your diversity fills me with awe.
    And I wonder how I, who am such a tiny part of this vastness, can be so enfilled with your Love.  Your Love is endless, like You.  And I marvel at it. And I marvel at You, and wonder how we who live on this small Earth can receive so much of beauty and so much knowledge of You.
    We thank you for the blessings of knowing of Your Love, Your Nearness, Your Power.  And we can only wonder how we are able to find Oneness with such unconditional Love, such nearness and such Power.
    We thank you for All this, and the much more that we have no understanding of…yet.
    Lines of Vortexya
    The very bright streaks of white light interjected themselves into the brilliant blue sky and they move with the harmony of the Universe. As we all stand in awe of this most sacred moment we begin to hear the voices of ethereal beings to let us know that they are always there for us. Their voices do comfort us as we begin on a journey of inspiration, love, and harmony.
    We continue to see the beautiful radiant blue sky with the brilliant white streaks that are so awe inspiring that we close our eyes for just a moment and receive their special energy. The breathing in of the moment only brings us closer to our Creator so we open our eyes and continue our journey up a path sparkling with tiny crystals. Eventually, we hear the roaring of a water falls and as we come up over the ridge . . . there it is.
    The waterfalls and all its magnificence and power bring us to a standstill. We look at each other then we give our total attention to its majesty as a deliverer of energy that can be felt by all of us. This moment in time leaves us so awe struck that we did not immediately see the ethereal beings standing on the upper ridge of the flowing waterfall. They were far away but we could hear their voices of encouragement and inspiring us to continue our journey into a world without end. They waved to us and we waved to them as they disappeared into a fine blue mist interspersed with white streaks of light. A moment none of us will ever forget.
    The All Light is the Great Going Forth of Jehovih, and the All Motion as Jehovih’s speech is the expression of that Life through the very shape and form animate and inanimate, the All Person (the Unity and Harmony of the Whole) of His Will to be and to expand.
    As the All Motion being positive is He and Him (not in the sense of Human Gender) so the All Sprit going forth is Elohim, and as such as Eloih in the act of speaking. 
    EOIH is the fact of Life that Life is, was, and ever shall be!  Eloih is the Person of Life (again the Unity and the Whole) no matter how diverse!  HIM is the ever going forth of the Great Mystery of Life which is ever present in all places.  Therefore, the Self of the Creator can never be truly and wholly perceived except when localized through individual and objects of Creation.  Therefore, it is said (in His entirety) can be attained, but can be known through his creation and the individualized creation within the Creation (Universe or Cosmos).
    Consequently, the fullness of the All One will ever be beyond and over comprehensible form to those burdened with comprehensible form and will ever be the Not This and the Not That.  It is then the
    “Aim soph,†“ the “no thing†of everything that is created in the corporeal and non corporeal.  It is ever the gestalt of its own self.
    And yet, that All Self is the Self in All Selves, can be known as the Sun of itself in us, to the degree we can perceive consciousness in itself.
    This is a time of plunging into the deep waters of the planetary  and personal subconscious, all the while keeping your 'rudder' on  the Soul and the Light so as not to 'drown' or become too  engulfed.
    Deep cleansing is occuring, wave after wave.   It may seem endless  but in seeing the whole you can see that progress is being made.    This you do know and perceive.
    There is a push/pull because the dark forces don't want to let go  of their power.    But indeed they are losing their hold as the  Legions of Light are advancing and with the great help of you who  are joined together in purpose and awareness in order to bring  about this massive shift which is occurring on Earth.


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