Sananda's Urgent Message to the World - We must get Keshe's work out, for his protection and our benefit!
I want to send a brief message to the world about the current wave of change which is coming. It will bring unbelievable prosperity and comfort for all God's people, beyond anything that has ever been known on this planet.
The first step toward complete freedom has already been accomplished. The Keshe Foundation of Taiwan has released the entire contents of the patents and blueprints which will make life-changing technologies available to the entire world. The plans are free to the world, simple to follow, and will provide free energy, medical breakthroughs, and methods for food production. I am asking all of you to go to the links which our dear Lady Portia and Lady Nada will provide on their website and Facebook pages. It is imperative that thousands of people have copies of these plans, before those who would stop it have a chance to quash this information.
Each one of you must send the links on to others, and ask that they copy and store the information in a safe place. Those with an interest in these technologies may begin using the information immediately. The Foundation has asked only that those who share these gifts with humanity sign their pledge to use them for peaceful purposes.
This is a third step toward complete Disclosure. The cigar-shaped ship over the Ukraine and the rescue of Flight 370 were the first two incidents which have made the presence of your Star Family known to the world. As the coming weeks unfold, you will learn how important these events have actually been, and how much the world will have changed because of them.
You see, we are introducing ourselves to Planet Earth gradually. All our actions will bring enormous benefits to the people, but must be done carefully to protect those involved. Mr. Keshe is under our protection, as are others who are helping to bring these blessings to you. His greatest protection will come from the fact that his information is so widely distributed and understood that it can never again be suppressed.
In a message to the world this past Sunday, St. Germain presented a heartfelt appeal to all to raise vibrations to overwhelm the current log-jam of negative energy which has been holding back the release of the revaluation of currencies and its subsequent flood of prosperity funds. Only the concerted effort of thousands of Lightworkers can create the power of Love and Light which can win the day. PIcture our team kicking the spectacular goal to end the game in triumph, or our relay track team crossing the finish line after a long and arduous run for the gold. This is what we require now, Beloved Ones.
And so I ask all of you, in the name of the Company of Heaven, for the benefit of all humankind, to join with me in a full-out lifting of energies on this day, March 17, to top all other moments of high consciousness. Think of it as a new Harmonic Convergence, using the energies of the spring solstice and the full moon to reflect and augment the rising tide of hope, laughter, friendship and joy. I will give you a meditation to help you raise your own energies to contribute to the great wave of goodwill and happiness which will carry the day.
Begin by resting comfortably, preferably with your back against a tree and your bare feet firmly on the ground. If your weather conditions do not permit a long sojourn with nature, a few minutes will suffice. Breathe deeply, feeling the blood coursing through your veins and the air nourishing and sustaining you. In and out, listen to the breath moving through you, and know that all beings, whether animal, vegetable or mineral, feel the same touch of the air which touches you. Know that Mother Earth feels the beat of your heart and your footfalls on her body. Know that God and all the Spirit Realm celebrate your existence here as the brilliant member of the Creator Race you really are.
The energy of darkness which has weighed down so many, which has probably in the past filled you with dread and anxiety, is now being defeated by your rising feelings of Love toward Mother Earth, God and All That Is. You, Beloved Child of the Universe, are coming into your own. You are recognized as the courageous being of Light you really are, hidden under the temporary clothing which is your present human body. You are rising, as the sun rises, as the moon shines her blessed Light upon your path.
You, individually and together with other Lightworkers are now lifting the pall of Darkness that has held back the monumental Shift which has been hanging in the balance, moving ever closer to the tipping point. Now, Dear Ones, push with all your might, sending your Love and Light outward, shining brighter than ever before. Together we are changing the world, now, now as we join in Joy and Triumh.
Rejoice, Dear Brothers and Sisters. We join together at last, whole, fulfilled, and standing in glorious anticipation, to share the abundance and freedom which is our birthright.
Sing with me, at the top of your voice: "We are the ones. We are the Children. We are the ones who'll make a better day, so let's start giving." Give of your Heart. Feel the surging energy of your heartmind, and envision the New Day which brings a tsunami of Love for every single being on this Beloved Planet.
And now, Dear Friends, let us dance in the streets and make a joyful ruckus, for WE are the New Beginning, the Creators of the New Golden Age!
I love you beyond words,
Your Sananda/Jesus
* - Facebook: Healing For Ascension Tour; - Facebook: Hollow Earth Network
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, March 17, 2014, 8 PM, New York
This message can be copied and shared, providing it is reproduced in its entirety without deletions or additions and credit is given to its author and website,
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Keith have you checked out Leister Hendershot, you may want to do a google.
Here a pdf
Got already burning dvd's, need a 3D printer & metal lathe
Cool Thanks I can work with iso files
Jacks & others: You can download the information from here:
It comes as an iso file which I believe can be used to burn to DVD, or can be read and opened using an archive program.
What a great message thanks Jacks. I sent the message far and wide.
Has anyone signed into the Microsoft live system. It is apparently a Microsoft Cloud that has the info stored.
I was able to get all but #9 downloaded before it got sent behind a login system.
Also Peter S already has a blog as well. @
The content of the Keshe Technology USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group