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  • What these scientists/governmental idiots seem to forget, once again, that all their plans to depopulate could just as easily as not, depopulate themselves.  In other words, they could germinate the germ in their own gut after breathing it in.... not so smart after all... mister smarty pants 'elitist'.  Well then, get the Ceftriaxone ready...
  • You are both right, the only fear I have is that if it gets out of the lab which so many do by accident ?  The population of the earth is so much larger and packed into cities that a sick mind like our governments could impliment their depopulation plan and kill billions. The biolabs are capable of making it airborne or easily available to labs with ill intent.    
  • Sorry Rosemary, but is NOT a discovery

    This something that should have been left BURIED!!!!!! NEVER to RESURRECTED!!!

    this disease in old days was because of fleas, trash, filth

    that is the natural way

    today disease for bio weapons is created in a test tube and is just as deadly and contacious and there does not need to be the filth for creation or for the spread of this deadly disease

    there only needs to be the germ

    this disease did not KILL millions because a flea bite millions!!!

    it was spread by contact of an infected person!

    a germ that will do the same damage as if created in filth

  • This is a very important discovery. Yes having the genetic code of the Plague can be a strategic advantage, but for medical research, this is very important. We now have the genetic code of the Spanish Flu. They help researchers identify trends in communicable diseases. The Plague did kill a large segment of the population for at least one reason. People in those time had very poor personal hygiene. The flea lived in the fur of rats. Since people lived in their trash, they share the same space has the rats carring of fleas.
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