WOW! This is worth reading....................
Karen Hudes (World Bank): “IRS collects your taxes and gives it to the Vatican”
On July 11, 2013 a new Apostolic Letter was issued by Pope Francis. Effectively, this letter states all immunity for anyone under the auspices of the Roman Curia including not only priests and bishops but world leaders, political figures, government officials, judges, lawyers, etc., officially ends on the date of September 1, 2013.
In essence, this letter states any or all of these parties can be held accountable and sued for war crimes or crimes against humanity. Although, given their long history of malfeasance, it would be unwise to assume the Pope and the Vatican will be politely stepping aside as their numerous crimes are revealed to the world’s people.
Nevertheless, beginning on September 1, 2013, we may begin to see a degree of profound changes unfold in both the US and throughout the world. It is no coincidence that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has announced his resignation effective on that particular date. As has Federal Reserve Board Governor, Elizabeth A. Duke and Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, both of whom be resigning on September 1st.
In addition, numerous other resignations of priests, bishops and clergymen have also been quietly announced for September 1st. We can expect to see more resignations forthcoming from many other public officials in the very near future.
When parents sign off on a birth certificate for their new born child, they are authorizing him or her to be entered into the system as a bona fide debt slave. At the same time, each of us is issued a line of credit sanctioned by the world-wide economic system and ultimately controlled by the Vatican.
That credit amounts to anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars within the confines of the system and only accessible via a financial institution, insurance agent, public utility, medical care provider, etc.
Your birth certificate, in turn, is tied to your social security number and becomes the method by which the banks draw upon to establish a line of credit when you come of age to open a bank account, a credit card, apply for a home loan, car loan and/or educational loan, etc. In fact, nearly every business relationship you enter into with a corporation, whether it is a cell phone contract, cable TV, telephone, electrical power, water service, insurance, health care, loan, traffic ticket, lawsuit –– you name it –– all tap into the same credit system.
In effect, these banking institutions are lending you your own credit and then charging you an exorbitant amount of interest for the use of it. If you default on a loan, the banks or the corporations then have the legal right to confiscate your home, property, car, etc. or take you to court for payment.
All of this is accomplished because the Vatican believes it has been bestowed the Divine right through the Papal bull to have dominion over all land, property, valuables and even your own body and your children through their possession of the birth certificates. In their eyes, the people of the Earth are merely debt slaves or paupers, and thus, must not become a burden to the Church. And as such, slaves have no rights, have no say in the matter and by law, cannot own anything. In other words, slaves are property and not human beings. (See video below for more Vatican secrets from Jordan Maxwell.)
–– On August 12, 2013, Attorney General Eric Holder announced he would recommend the states begin to release prisoners in victimless crimes such as drug offenses, tax evasion, etc. It should be noted nearly one quarter of all prisoners world-wide are found in US jails. And yet we are told again and again, by our history books and our media we are a free nation.
Make no mistake about it, the penal system is part of the international slave trade where prisoner bonds are bought and sold like livestock on an underground market. The very fact the US Attorney General would make such a pronouncement is clearly directly tied to the discharge of the global debt.
Cheryl I dont subscribe to OPPT or the UCC I choose not to register anything as it conveys legal ownership by contract and leaves you with conditional use although OPPTs use of contracts opened my eyes was of great use to me.
I pursue justice by my own deeds, contracts, and fee schedules I think that on this journey you must have your bullshit detector turned on full and only use methods that you feel right after you have fully examined them.
what i meant by legal fiction person was a fictional vessel owned by them like JOHN DOE being used to pirate the sweat equity of the real natural man john doe.
and yes I agree with you I am to not worried about the HOLY SEE their insane assumptions, although one cannot dismiss the centuries of damage done to mankind by them
I'm not sure if you mean that a "legal fiction" has nothing to do with the law, or if a corporation being deemed "a person" has nothing to do with the law. Either/or, it is a well-settled device used in law:
An assumption made by a court and embodied in various legal doctrines that a fact or concept is true when in actuality it is not true, or when it is likely to be equally false and true.
"A legal fiction is created for the purpose of promoting the ends of justice. A common-law action, for example, allowed a father to bring suit against his daughter's seducer, based on the legal fiction of the loss of her services. Similarly, the law of torts encompasses the legal fiction of the rule of Vicarious Liability, which renders an employer responsible for the civil wrongs of his or her employees that are committed during their course of employment. Even though the employer generally is uninvolved in the actual act constituting the tort, the law holds the employer responsible since, through a legal fiction, he or she is deemed to be in direct control of the employee's actions. A seller of real estate might, for example, be liable in an action for Fraud committed by his or her agent in the course of a sale." West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc.
So, corporations when deemed "a person" is a legal fiction, if it is so defined in a particular body of laws. It is not a living, breathing person under God. I get something like that is said to have occurred, but without a fully informed consent or a meeting of the minds, there is no agreement. And to do otherwise is fraud. And fraud can be rescinded. And fraudsters can be convicted and go to prison.
If you are referring to the OPPT scheme of things, I think most of us passed on the dubious pleasure because there were just too many question marks.
I find it rather amusing that if the Vatican wants to "own us all" then the laws are clear under the doctrine of vicarious liability that they are responsible for everything thing we do. I'm not terribly worried about it. It's a game they play as long as no one knows about the game. All they have is monopoly money, deeds, whatever. It's all worthless now that the cat is out of the bag.
Doone I have heard this before and it is quite clear we have been tricked from day one just a little Confusing is right.
Hi people the point people are missing is exactly what a" person " ,"PERSON" is, early definitions where "mask"," actor" and in modern times "CORPORATION including a PERSON" so the person is a legal fiction({nothing to do with law} actor acting in ACTS nearly all corporate government rules , statutes, bills are ACTS and therefore authority ,control is by ACTS .
These legal fiction persons attached by legal fiction to the people at birth are not the real natural men and woman who are sovereign and under god only and above man made creations and fictions.
But much energy is by expended by corporate government in CONvincing, public fooling, the real natural men and woman to volunteer consent to , joinder to those legal fiction PERSONS who are created, owned by corporate government and not the real natural men and woman, So the corporate governments slaves are the PERSON CORPORATIONS created by CORPORATE GOVERNMENT and these legal fictions are contracted to corporate government .
This is nothing new people it has been happening for centuries mainly perpetrated by the ROMAN CATHOLIC cult and their corporate arm the "HOLY SEE" who claim to hold all of the real property in the world including the planet earth , your land ,your inheirent inalienable rights your body and your soul in cestui vie trusts I cant remember all the names of the trusts at the moment but the first one was unam sanctum , since you have not rebutted this claim it stands as truth until you do rebut the claim I recommend watching the servant king confusion videos by marcus for a good understanding of how you have been fooled, CONfused
I advise having the whole scam clear in your mind including what trusts are and how they work in detail.
what contracts are in detail, and what constitutes acceptance of contract and also be very aware of the difference between dictionary and legal dictionary definitions of words are before you start sending notices to corporate government good luck from the other side, on your journey to freedom if you are dedicated enough to taking that journey doone of the family barry
Yep, GT, it's mind boggling.
the more I read, the more my head hurts....
so, I'm 'gunna stop fer now.... yep
Peter, I suspect this is the basis of recent legal rulings claiming parents don't own their children, the state does. We're just allowed to bear the expense of raising them.
Keith from time eternal it has always created all of our problem and I cringe at the thought of everyone getting windfalls in the near future. Humanity is suppose to change with more money? what's next control? the elite have already shone us this path.
The unfair nature of the "birth certificate created value" is that it is not seen and certainly not placed into our accessible debit card accounts, nor are we able to access it without penalty.
I think you're right Cheryl - it's a game for the so called ruling elite. They control the money - the money that rightly belongs to each individual - they allow individuals to borrow (their own money) and charge interest on the pay back. They (the ruling elite) get rich on other people's money.
Here's a thought bubble: What if we were all given $1 million at birth (maybe not available until mature), which can be used to create / produce things which in turn would be used to repay any of the $1 million used. No interest charged.
All would start equal, and people would create things beneficial to and valued by society.
Probably a lot of ways this proposal can be shot down - I'm just throwing it out there.
I gave up my credit cards and went to a Debit years ago, I got buried in credit card debt and never wanted to go back you are better of Keith.