From David Icke website
UN About to Take Control of the Internet. Forget SOPA - This is International Control - Forget Privacy - Seems 'One World Government' is Coming Together.
Thursday, 23 February 2012 07:55
'On Feb. 27, a diplomatic process will begin in Geneva that could result in a new treaty giving the United Nations unprecedented powers over the Internet. Dozens of countries, including Russia and China, are pushing hard to reach this goal by year's end. As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said last June, his goal and that of his allies is to establish "international control over the Internet" through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a treaty-based organization under U.N. auspices.'
with baited breath, holding my head, in anguish, still they may succeed, but I would rather think of them as harmless chickens that suck seed LOl...... pardon the pun...
straw men all of them, straw men, it will all blow over and nothing concrete will come of it, that is my best guess.
Sounds like they got the infection! lol
Sometimes you do have to turn off the water to fix some broken pipes. It happens.
Operative word in the whole statement above is "could". Once again the sky is falling over something that nobody on this planet has any control over. Once again the sky is falling over speculation, I am amazed at how easy it has become to throw the fear of change into the hearts of the masses with so simple a proclamation. The internet today is definitely not the internet of 10 years ago. My degree from Northwestern University is a BA in computer science, I do have my mcse+i, Cisco certification and I have stayed at a holiday inn....I am more than qualified to simply say that there really is no way to guarantee the complete shut down of the internet due to how decentralized computing is done today. Sure they can try but the best they will accomplish is taking down so central nodes that will more than likely limit international communications but other than that I really am curious to see what they can accomplish, I am pretty sure I can still live without the internet.....managed to get by just fine before I ever sat in front of a computer figure I can still get by just fine.
The word SENSOR would be more polite.
From what I hear, the Internet has far to many nodes, too many places where intersection cross, thus closing down one part would result in traffic automatically diverting to another part. Call it built in redundancy, I would think they can only succeed if they close down sufficient nodes that it is either permanently crippled or in some places,shutdown. . another point. seeing as so much commerce is done over the internet, I still cannot see how or why they would want to cripple it, control it possibly. monitor it certainly. It is not about closing down the whole Internet.
The criminal Cabal is being exposed daily and they are marching ahead to shut us up. It will be a very dark time for mankind if they succeed.