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  • Fulford say Congress didn't return to work today.  One article said only 100 congress critters went to the funeral.  I wonder which ones.  Keep your eyes open for any reports.

  • Jim guess what WE can't trust Congress either.

  • Oh, Jim, that's so "old school."  It's a free-for-all for the prez, dintcha know? 

  • The president can not make treaties.  only congress can.

  • We need the change to happen now and not later I agree.

  • They may not ultimately back it, but by their speaking out people wake up.  We still need a regime change.

  • Hillary Clinton spent most of her ugly career as Secretary of State putting this bill together for O. 

  • This is not the first time that congress has said they would not support a bill and turned around and supported it so don't sit back and be pacified because 50 senators signed this letter. We know congress is not on the side of the people.

  • I'm glad the Senate spoke up.  As Obama's will contravenes the will of the people, it becomes more and more obvious. 

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