Is this the false flag event for FEMA region 3. This is way too much of a coincidence he probably didn't know we already knew where they were headed.
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Blossom Goodchild / February 15 / Very uplifting msg
Posted by stembi on February 15, 2025 at 2:37pm
Posted by Wm on January 31, 2025 at 8:10pm
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Timing-wise, Peter, I think so too.
Yes, Peter, it's a biosphere according to Tolec. I didn't see your post below before I posted it, but just as well. It will get more views as a stand-alone blog.
11.30.12 (on the FAQs page)
Tolec, what about this 2nd sun that has been reported by Russia? Here is the report:
Is this the brown dwarf Tekoma?
ANSWER: No, no. It is not a second sun. It is not the brown dwarf - Tekoma. We would have reported its arrival to you. What they reported in Russia was the result of a purposeful short term exercise, conducted by the people of the Andromeda Council, to reveal the engineering biosphere - "Sarsta" to the people of Earth. If it were a second sun... it would have been observable, seen, all day long.
This is how the Andromeda Council website describes Tekoma:
"When Tekoma as a brown dwarf, about the size of the Uranus is - first seen - in the skies over Earth it will appear to be about the size of a U.S coin, a "quarter", and Nihohia, its planet, about the actual size of planet Pluto, it will appear to be smaller, about the size of another U.S. coin, approximately the size of a "dime". When Tekoma finally settles into orbit close to Venus it will appear to be about the size of a new pencil eraser head. Nihohia will appear to be about the size of a small dot right next to it. And yes, there will be an announcement on this web site approximately 3-4 days prior to their arrival when we will begin to see these new celestial bodies in your skies."
To my knowledge there has not been an announcement regarding the arrival of Tekoma so I doubt this object is Tekoma - however, it could well be a biosphere.
Interesting to note that the Andromeda Council website describes Comet ISON as follows:
"08.30.13. Regarding the alleged - "Comet Ison". It is not a comet. This is a large scale ship operated by Galactic Federation forces named Xanterexx, which is its abbreviated name. This ship is one of a few ships primarily & specifically used for visitation to worlds... where first contact is about to be established."
This could mean that the visitation from the 4 races of the Andromeda Council could be happening soon.
This would make things very interesting indeed!
Regarding your analogy Cheryl - I don't think we are that far apart - I'm just waiting for the catalyst / circuit breaker / game changer that I believe must happen to proceed down one path or the other - and I also believe we are reaching the point in time for that to occur very, very soon.
#4... PaulK just posted a video of a cloaked object out by the sun. It is an orb. Could it be Tekoma has arrived and is being kept a secret?
According to, the earth changes are supposed to start settling down around now, throughout the rest of the year.
I see myself standing at the point where too roads are converging. The road on the left is the ascension/happy scenario. The road on the right is WWIII and all hell breaking loose scenario. They are both racing towards me at warp speed. Which one will it be?
We are quickly heading towards/into a period where a number of "theories" or projections are to be tested.
1) The bubbling Syrian situation and possible use of nukes and the hopeful neutralizing of those nukes by benevolent ET intervention,
2) Pattie (whether you agree with her or not): is predicting an event towards the end of September (26th, I believe),
3) ISON - if still considered a comet - it's possible effects during November, 2014,
4) Tolec and the Andromeda Council are still saying we will move to 4D in January 2014 (in about 5 months) - that is not long now! He/ they have also said ISON is not a comet, and that a brown dwarf (Tekoma) will be parked in our solar system soon (near Venus). In addition, I believe the visitations from the 4 races of the Andromeda Council are predicted to still happen presumably prior to the transition to 4D in Jan 2014.
And don’t forget the 90 degree shift of the Earth axis that is also predicted on the Andromeda Council website, which as I read it, appears to be an event that should have happened by now – but I’m considering it could still happen.
Obviously there are others - but these are the one's I'm watching carefully.
The next few months, to me, sound very eventful.
Many thoughts or beliefs will be tested, proved wrong or validated.
We appear to be reaching the peak of a crescendo which will either result in a sudden expansion/explosion (in a good way) leading to a brand new exciting uplifted world or, if things just keep going as they are - with nothing resolved - we risk falling into a bubbling quagmire of meaningless existence - possibly just waiting for the next set of distractions.
IMO, we need a circuit breaker and I hope it happens over the next few months!
That's right, Byron. The detonation (or not) of a nuclear weapon is the litmus test of whether positive ETs are going to intervene. I lean toward believing they will because one hasn't gone off yet, though there appear to have been many opportunities for it to happen.
Like Cheryl once said if a nuke is allowed to go off, she will have to reorganize her thoughts about our friends upstairs and what they have promised us and I agree. The question is if they do shut if off will we even know. I believe they will because it effects the whole solar system and they did it before at nuke silos.
I'm sure many hope you are correct Keith.
No problem - I'm just glad we are following this and posting - keep it going Byron!
Peter they certainly do and this needs to go viral to stop it. I didn't think of you blog sorry. I just wanted it out there and fast.