I have a Medicare Advantage Plan through Humana. Medicare was cut $716 Billion to help fund ObamaCare. While the total amount also included an alleged, but unspecified, amount recovered in clamping down on fraud and waste, how is it not cutting benefits by paying providers even less than the cut-throat cut-rates Medicare already paid. It was already a problem that doctors would not accept Medicare patients at all, or limited their practice to only a certain percentage.
My annual out-of-pocket expense was raised $2,200 for 2014, and is now well over $6,000 per year. Co-pays were increased.
And in other articles I've been reading, DC has started an undercurrent of discontent by labeling Social Security recipients as freeloaders. This is not welfare. I (along with every other working American) paid 7.5% of my income throughout 120 quarters (the minimum needed is 40) for this required-by-law insurance. My employers also paid 7.5% of my income. This is not welfare. And retirees and SSDI disabled are not bums. This was guaranteed insurance. So, ObamaCare has definitely made my financial life tougher and decreased the quality of medical care for me.
Sounds typical
Other news reports have said that they knew, including Obama, as much as three years ago, but said the opposite.
By Michael Booth
The Denver Post
Posted: 11/06/2013 04:25:40 PM MST
Updated: 11/07/2013 08:27:53 AM MST
US President Barack Obama speaks about the healthcare reform laws, known as Obamacare, at an Organizing for Action event in Washington, DC, November 4, 2013. (Saul Loeb, Getty Images)
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Insurance companies are canceling health policies for nearly 250,000 Coloradans, many because of Affordable Care Act rules, a tally likely to inflame consumers upset with controversial reforms.
The Colorado Division of Insurance said policies for 2013 that do not meet new minimum benefits under Obamacare are being canceled. Other cancellations are the result of business decisions by the insurers as part of normal operations.
Kathleen Baker is among those furious at the changes. She said her Kaiser Permanente policy was canceled, and a replacement would cost 17 percent more a month with higher deductibles.
A screenshot of the home page taken on October 1, 2013 at 8:55 a.m. (Connect for Health Colorado)
"I would like to know how the president, or anyone in Congress, can say this is better for me," she said.
Opponents of Obamacare said the high number of cancellations is causing bewilderment and anger among consumers who thought they would be able to keep their plans.
Only 3,408 Coloradans have enrolled in the private insurance plans offered on a new state exchange, the conservative advocacy group Compass Colorado said.
"To have almost a hundred health plan cancellations for every exchange sign-up in Colorado under Obamacare is exponentially worse than even the most extreme skeptic could have predicted," said Kelly Maher, executive director for Compass Colorado.
Consumer advocates who welcome health reform said it will take time to decipher whether the cancellations represent disaster or simply transition.
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Colorado Woman Who Championed Obamacare Loses Insurance Plan
November 8, 2013 4:12 PM
CBS4′s Shaun Boyd talks with Kathy Wagner (credit: CBS)
DENVER (CBS4) - President Barack Obama is apologizing to Americans who are losing their current health insurance plans. Millions of people are getting cancellation notices, including about 250,000 Coloradans.For years the president said that those who like their current plan would be able to keep it, but it turns out that’s not the case.
In order to comply with the Affordable
Care Act insurance companies have had to cancel millions of policies, forcing people to find new, and in many cases, more expensive coverage on the exchange.
The Colorado Division of Insurance says 250,000 people in Colorado alone have lost their policies in the last few months.
Cathy Wagner says she isn’t political and has never written a lawmaker, much less the president, but with Obamacare she felt compelled.
“I really just wanted him to know … I was so hopeful that this plan was going to move us forward, but in fact I think it’s moving us backward,” Wagner said.
RELATED: Colorado & The Affordable Care Act
Wagner and her husband retired early. She was a nurse for 35 years and championed Obamacare, until she received a letter from her insurance company saying it was canceling her policy.
“I was really shocked … all of my hopes were sort of dashed,” Wagner said. “’Oh my gosh President Obama, this is not what we hoped for, it’s not what we were told.’ “
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NOT GOOD FOR ANYBODY ANYWHERE ANYTIME. Every day a new problem shows up.
This does not sound good for my parents.
Thanks, Byron. It's me and millions others. Obama has turned Social Security into a bait and switch. I'm certain the plan is depopulation by making it hard-to-impossible to get adequate medical care by the disabled and the retired.
I expected this to happen from day one and next will be the disabled veterans. Everyone will be on an individual plan eventually and the IRS will be collecting their fee through your employers if there is a job left to have. Or they will be deduction more from SS or disability. There are so many loop holes in Ocare anything could happen at this point. Already many doctors have left the Medicare scene and it is hard to find one. I am very sorry to hear of your problem.