Shadow People - Do They Exist?

I know these things can be easily faked – but I’ll run with this anyway.

“Shadow people” - most people have seen them fleetingly from the corner of their eye – some even see them in greater detail than just a shadow.

I have a recent personal example: I had an aunty die last week and since then I’m sure I saw her, for a fleeting moment, standing on the pavement dressed as she would have been as a young lady - not more than six feet from me – weird. She was there for one second then gone.

In the attached video, the “shadow person” first appears in the bottom left hand side of the video at about 18 seconds. It moves towards the table under the window, then through the window and beyond.

An alien (type) face is then seen looking though the nearest window during the last few second of the video. (Mmmm?)

Maybe not the most convincing of videos, but I for one am convinced these beings (maybe intra-dimensional) do exist.

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  • Kim, I believe this will become the "norm" as our natural abilities are returned to us (via those higher vibrations).

    It will be amazing!

  • With the approach of the higher vibrations, more and more people are beginning to see and hear things from the other side...

  • I agree Cheryl and Mariana.

    IMO, to have the ability to hear and / or see things that aren't generally explainable in our world (matrix) would confuse most and to not be believed would easily send some "mad".

    People that have extra-abilities have always been ostracized throughout the ages.

  • Exactly what I think, Cheryl.  I know some would put me in a mental institution, ;).


  • Mariana, I've read that a lot of people in mental institutions probably aren't "mental," they just have the abilities to see and hear things others can't.

  • I don't drink or use drogs (even the legal ones), or even smoke legal cigarrettes. 

    I don't belive what I see or sometimes hear is imagination, even when some non belivers tell me it is.  There are some of us capable of seing through the veil, some all the time, others sometimes, like me.

  • Me too.  I do not drink, and I do not do drugs.  

  • Peter, good question.  I don't think I was imagining it.  I saw what I saw, and I'm not given to hallucinations and don't drink or take drugs.  So, if the entity was not fully in 3D, it was somehow bleeding through.

  • Cheryl, "imagination" is an interesting concept.

    Is "imagination" just something made-up in our minds or are we actually accessing other dimensions (or maybe even parallel worlds)? What do you think?

  • That is exactly what I said, WTF, but my experience was at least 30 years ago. No old geezer jokes please.

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