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  • not quite, there are no genetically altered dandelions, nettles, seakale, seaweeds, or chickweed. as examples. but you are basically correct. in the end times ot may be a good idea to have a 'weed' garden, interspersed with old varieties of vegetables and fruits.

  • In a world gone mad that won't work, Monsanto will make sure of it.

  • If we all knew how to live using the gifts of the earth, no one needs starve. Look at the intensive market gardens they have in Cuba, every useful bit of land used for food growing. if we did the same, every bit of land used for vegetables and fruits, imagine it.

  • KEITH  You found a unique place and planned ahead,most places will not be as good. When my social security check goes to the bankers I will be too old to start my life over. I in no way blame anyone who has left, i might be sending you a post card from camp FEMA if they let me live that long.  

  • I agree with both mike adams and Keith. it is all a state of mind. I feel you have to create your own environment of freedom. this s why I say make your home comfortable, have plenty of material possessions, things you are comfy with, not out of attachment simply to make you feel good. have a nice circle if friends, be pleasant to others, this is for me the best protection. you are fortunate in th States you have such wide open spaces. living in the cities may become more problematic, as the months come by us, but of you live anywhere in the countryside you are at an advantage. here in Wales, UK, I live on an island separated by half a mile of water, Angelsey. we have all sorts of convenience here, yet are in lovely countryside. in our own cities and towns I would be very miserable, the attitude of the people is markedly different. I love the Welsh for the most part, but our cities are not as nice to live in I feel. you have to create your own island of freedom, not easy I know.

  • Mike Adams is so right about staying. To go a step farther I have to say we were born here and owe what we now have to this country even though that may be little to some at this time. We need to reclaim our rights together. Our forefathers fought for what they believed in and set standards for us to follow while we watched them crumble. It is our duty as americans to restore what we once had and even makethem better and not run and hide where we will eventualy fall with the rest of the world.  Think of all the social security reciepients that will be in foreign countries that will be pennyless when this country falls.  Will there new cxountry help them? No is the answer and they will be in extreme poverty in a 3rd world country, that is not going to be pretty. I would rather stay  and stand with my fellow americans than starve in another country. We let it happen, we should fix it.     

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