I had read this article elsewhere, but found it republished on this site. It is good advice. After my research into the Scytl situation yesterday, I don't think snopes or truthorfiction had the information entirely correct, and factcheck didn't have any mention of it.
This article makes the right recommendation ... do your own research. Don't rely on someone else to do it for you. "... it is becoming more and more difficult to ascertain what is true and what is false." These outfits either don't have the time to research things thoroughly (like snopes=two people) or have an agenda.
What? You think the gov't wouldn't put up an "independent" group to verify their lies? All S.O.P. in the world of disinformation.
I am in full agreement with this statement it is like going to the Oboma web site to find out if he is an american citizen. Misinformation is everywhere and to think that one internet site is going to lead you to the truth is so far from reality in this day and age. Every main stream news station lies to us daily. I already did my research on voteing machines and got my stomach turned several times.