Comment: Horrendously mismanaged states that are in deep fiscal trouble should not ask the federal government to bail them out via the taxpayers.

Their crisis is due largely to corruption and bribery i.e. buying votes from certain groups.

They are like addicts and money is their drug of choice. They need some serious reality "treatment", after which they may or may not change. Can they kick the habit?

No bail out for this epic failure. Oh and he extended the lockdown with no end date.
Coronavirus : Amid New York’s unused hospital beds and ventilators, critics point to mass waste and mismanagement

By Hollie McKay | Fox News May 1, 2020:

Cuomo remains resistant to reopening New York, considers extending restrictions in some parts of the state

While New York has weathered the brunt of coronavirus infections and deaths, the state’s apparent hoarding of medical supplies, and the millions spent on equipment that never arrived, as well as unused hospitals and beds, have some questioning what went wrong.


So many states have a money addiction that they cannot/will not kick.

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  • If you give out the freebies, they will come.....

  • Comment by Dee Fatouros just nowDelete Comment

    The majority of these states are blue, and in true lefty fashion, they want others to clean up the messes that they have made.  Like true addicts, they live for the next fix, money,via  higher taxes, increased debt and bailouts.

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