Some Good Advice...

This is Where I’m NOT Listening to Drake Today…

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Sometimes the Guidance is to get out and away from all the stuff flying around and just be. And BEing at this place is pretty fine, with the mocha and the ocean and the sunshine and the sound of gentle ocean waves.

Many who read these ocean view blog posts “get” the same sense that I have right now. I suppose that’s one reason I often feel like sharing these photos from here (at, of course).

I really got a lot from hearing Scott Mowry on The Light Agenda. More and more keeps unveiling itself to me from what I heard there. And the prime point that stuck was this:

Stay Positive

We determine what’s going on here by our consciousness, collectively. We attract what we put out. It’s an attitude thing here. Hundredth Monkey kind of thing. Scott described that well. For me, at least.

So maybe it’s time to stick close to the monkeys. At least the Hundredth Ones.

Speaking of Hundredth Monkeys, now the Drake, and friends. And I include myself as one of them. And one of the newer kitties at our house is named “Keko”, which I understand from someone who lives at our house, means “monkey”. So I live with monkeys and assure you that all monkeys I associate with are Hundredth Ones.

Drake is such a monkey. He has unveiled the plan, which has caught fire in the imaginations of people all around the world. What is especially important from my view, is that he is bringing together a bunch of folks with WIDELY varying life viewpoints. I’ve not ever associated with those that talk of militias, freedom fighters, US Constitutional supporters, anything military, and so on. Even saying things like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones may be part of the Freedom Plan for this planet. So……….

Here we have Lightworkers of all kinds, militia folks, Fox News watchers, MSNBC Rachel Maddow watchers, military people, flag waving US patriots, European, Asian, South American, African, probably even Antarctican, listeners, all coming together, for one purpose.

To Bring Forth Unity on this Planet.

So all the differences, I say, it’s time to set those aside. It’s time to release any and all judgement about what a Lightworker is, or who a Freedom Fighter is, about who is this and who is that.

We’re all coming together now. All of us Hundredth Monkeys. Truly it is,

All for One… and One for All.

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  • Who knows anymore what anything means, right?  ;-)

    She's calling Drake a monkey, in reference to a phenomenon called "the 100th monkey."  She is saying he is like a "hundredth monkey."  Here's the theory, from

    The hundredth monkey effect is a supposed phenomenon in which a learned behavior spreads instantaneously from one group of monkeys to all related monkeys once a critical number is reached. By generalization it means the instantaneous spreading of an idea or ability to the remainder of a population once a certain portion of that population has heard of the new idea or learned the new ability by some unknown process currently beyond the scope of science.

    I think this is behind the critical number of people becoming enlightened and ascending.  Once the needed amount is obtained, it will spread to everyone else.  (Everyone else, what?  in a group?  in a nation?  around the world?  I don't know.)

  • I'm not following your point, Lothar.  Drake was derailed from making his interview yesterday, wasn't he?

    The point of this point is about getting away from all this stuff sometimes, it helps keep you in balance.  Also, that we are coming together from various walks of life to liberate planet earth.  Everyone needs to get behind this concept.

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