Some Things To Expect As Vibrations Rise...

We are going to turn on.  That's right, turn on.  Like those flying saucers in the movies that don't work until the mothership comes within range.  You see, we have many abilities that have been dormant for a very long time.  As the energies coming to Earth continue, these energies are causing our abilities to "wake up." 

I was reading the article linked below and realized throughout my adult life I have seen evidence of each one of the "clairs":  clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.  It has been only in the past several years that I began to understand that these were actual abilities I had.  Lately, several have been very strong, but so quiet I didn't even realize they existed.

I am going to share encounters with psychic abilities that I have had so that you, dear reader, might recognize them in your life, or not be alarmed when they start turning on.  You really can start to doubt your sanity.

Clairsentience means being empathic.  I'm an empath.  I have a friend who has a nervous condition.  I have actually felt what my friend feels.  It is not pleasant.  I pick up emotions easily and share them.  If you cry, I will cry with you.

Clairvoyance has to do with seeing beyond normal vision, seeing in the spirit world.  Back in the '80s, I clearly saw a line of orange cones channeling traffic into the right lane on Ventura Boulevard, a mile before I passed it.  I have sensed spirits/ETs nearby.  I see them as flashes in the corner of my eye.

I lived in Santa Barbara for several years and in one house I lived in, there was a presence.  I didn't know it was there until one day I was sitting in the living room and the next thing I knew, I was washing dishes at the kitchen sink.  I think it was someone who had lived in that house, who was a better housekeeper than me, LOL.  I put my foot down and told the entity that I wasn't amenable to being messed with like that.  Then the invasion of the potato bugs started.  I gave up.  I wasn't about to fight an invasion of those freaky-looking bugs.  They really do look alien.  The entity wanted her house back so I moved out. 

In 1985-86, my mother was dying.  One night, I suddenly woke up for no apparent reason and I saw her standing by my bed.  It was her, but I could see a bookcase behind her.  In other words, I could look through her yet it looked just like her, in her younger years.  She didn't say anything audible, but I sensed she was asking me to remember her as she was and that everything was okay.  It had been a rough six months as she was dying.

I have experienced only one incident where I felt a spirit/ET touched me.  This was in the '90s and I was laying in bed reading before I went to sleep.  I literally felt something brush my cheek, like a caress.  It startled me.  I looked around the room, but nothing was there but I distinctly felt a touch on my cheek.

I'm bouncing around, but that reminded me of a similar situation in 1980.  Right before my first son was born, I was at a friend's house, in the bathroom.  I was standing by a full-length mirror on the back of the door fussing with my hair when suddenly a toothpaste cap came flying across the room and bounced off the mirror.  I thought a cat was in the bathroom with me, but I was alone.  After exiting the bathroom, without telling my girlfriend about the incident, she laughed and told me that the soul she had told me about had decided to "pick up the body" (Scientology speak).  Another soul/spirit had been hanging around, apparently these to souls were friends.  One was a joker and the other was very conservative.  So, I got the joker.  She got the conservative a year or so later when she had her first child. 

I have experienced clairaudience, which I think is telepathy with an ET race(s).  I know the good Zetas were one, but I think there is at least one more though I haven't been able to determine which one.  Here are several interesting examples. 

A few years ago, I was going up against an evil landlord in court.  I was a bit nervous, of course, when suddenly, a voice clear as day, and not mine, said:  "Be still and know that I am God."  Well, needless to say, that was encouraging.  I'm not an attorney and the evil landlord had an attorney.  I won the case. 

In 1994, around the time of the facial "caress," I had been dealt with unfairly by, get this, the pastor of my church.  It was over tuition for my kids attending their elementary school.  I couldn't afford for them to attend any longer, so I was going to withdraw them.  The pastor pleaded with me not to do that and that he would "work things out."  Well, to this day I'll never know what exactly happened, but at the end of the school year, I was presented with a $2,000 bill I couldn't pay.  So, you know I had a conference with that pastor.  He said I had to pay it.  I said, I thought you said it would be worked out and you let an entire year go by without saying a tab was being run up.  I was very upset with him.  Anyway, I was at home one night and suddenly I heard a scripture verse, Psalm 69:4, very clearly in my head.  I wasn't one who memorized scriptures so it didn't mean anything to me so I had to look it up and this is what it said "Then I was made to restore that which I took not away."  In another version, NIV, I think, it said basically "I'm being forced to return that which I did not steal."  (I refused to pay the bill, but I donated 50% of the bill because it was a small church and I didn't want it to suffer because of a bum pastor.)

Another form of clairaudience that I have is just "knowing."  I don't know how I know, but I know.  I have seen things I have written come to life in later years.  Many times my blogs are guided, like this one was.

For more information on the four "clairs" see

I have also had recalls about being aboard spacecraft in orbit around earth, and in shuttles to different places on Earth.  I spoke of those things in other blogs.  One recall was seeing what appeared to be a huge tsunami approaching the western coast of South America.  I have vivid dreams sometimes and I keep a journal of the ones I remember long enough to get written down.  I was meditating in early 2010 and saw a number 8 floating around.  Then, I saw another number 8 in a different texture and pattern.  I took the difference in texture and pattern to mean I was not seeing "88" but was seeing "8" "8".  Several days later, Chile had an 8.8 earthquake. 

That's all I remember right now.  It's 3 a.m. and I guess I'm allowed to go to sleep now.  Nighty night!

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  • Wow that's amazing Pat.  

  • At a get together last week I was thanking and giving gratitude for all the space brother/sisters was doing, at that time a light the was moving across the sky flared just before disappearing! Felt good I got a reply. They are very busy and in western countries can be taken down by the Cabal
  • Yes confirmation does make an impact
  • I have seen quite a few ships over the years.  We have had several ghosts here. My dog came back about a month after she died and was laying in the bathroom doorway.

  • Good intention Remote viewers working and getting help!

    "i do not know why i would be given that power

    its really not that hard to imgine how much effort is spent to flip a light switch or how much work can be transfered though an extesion cord over time

    this is kinda how it works take aim and let it be done

    odd the first part of remote viewing that location i only intended to put a pin point on a map for them but once the threat was indentified well forces outside of my control took action before me

    then the option to take further action was given to me i sensed i had the power and until the problem was solved i would retain this power while it only seemed like the right thing to do to end this as quickly as posable but as painlessly as posable as well to that end i made it clear to them they can not win i was under the belief that they had some vauge idea of what was taking place the moment they stood down i sensed this abiltiy start to fade"

  • Confirmation really does help remove the doubt, doesn't it?

  • I was in the field training and thought I was seeing  things.  But my fox hole mate say them too.  

  • Yeah, Tammy, I was living in a suburb of Los Angeles, around 1998, when I saw one.  In my travels, I think I read that the Agarthans use those shaped ships.  I wonder, hmmm.

  • Yeah I was disappointed I didn't get to see the A-4 hovering above the trees in my back yard last fall.

  • I am empathic.  I sometimes scare people because I can tell them exactly what they were thinking when they did or did not do something. 

    I have noticed an increase in spiritual manifestations lately.  One of my cats seems to get an itchy rash when it increases.

    I have seen those cigar shaped UFO's when I was stationed at 29 Palms Marine Corps base in 1991.  Middle of the Mojave desert shows alot. 

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