" four years Obama commissioned five times more drone attacks than former president George W Bush did in his two terms in the White House .
"The report estimates drones have killed between 474 and 881 civilians, including 176 children."
That is not likely to happen because he may just take the Marines with him and it will be a $200 million vacation any way it would be a breath of fresh air if it did happen. Did you hear me NSA, good
Bush has had a few trips cancelled because he may of been protested or arrested in Canada and Africa. Kissinger was suppose to be arrested in the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland two years as a war criminal. The International court on war crimes has tried to get people arrested a few times. I hope you get a result also.
He may of helped start it.
It is rude, considering all the peoples' lives he's saved with drone warfare.
Is there any place we can donate ? Arrest a Nobel Peace Prize winner, how rude.