I went to WV to pick up my son today. At some point, I glanced at the trip odometer (the one time I did on the trip) and it read 444.4.
When I got to where we were meeting up, the clock read 11:11. I picked up my cell phone to call him and the cell phone read 11:09. So, I changed the car clock, but suddenly, it wasn't working. I kept trying, for some minutes until it started working again. I checked the cell phone to see what the new time was and it read ... 11:11.
After I dropped my son off, I went to an appointment. Didn't notice any mile marker on the entire trip, except one ... 111.
After my appointment, I happened to glance at the car clock and it read ... 1:11 pm.
As I opened the browser to post this, the time read 3:33 p.m.
So, do you think someone is trying to get my attention?
Wow Cheryl that is good news and I am happy for you.
So, the past few weeks I have been stalked by 9's, everywhere I turned. All the messages were pointing to something big changing in my life, a chapter closing, a new one beginning. Well, it finally happened, and since it's personal, I won't post it here, but it was a HUGE WOW. Didn't see that one coming.
Today's numbers: 933 and 888.
And, another:
The 3 and 6 combination is a message that the Ascended Masters are helping you to manifest the material items you need to enable you to live out your Divine Life Purpose. Whatever it is that is needed will be presented to you in due course.
Today's number is 2929 and it's spot on...
Angel Number 2929 tells of circumstances, situations, relationships or even employment and career options that are coming under review at this time. This may lead to some things coming to an end or closure, leading to new directions and opportunities for further soul growth. Stay balanced, focused and open during this time and you will find that these endings and subsequent changes will be to your highest good. If you have been intuitively feeling that a part of your life is coming to a close or end, Angel Number 2929 brings validation for you.
Interesting to note, that once I got the 9797, the repeating numbers stopped.
So, this morning I saw 97.97 minutes on my cell phone (which was on there yesterday, but I never used the phone yesterday, so I didn't see it). Then, the clock read 11:11. How's this for synchronicity?
Repeating Angel Numbers - 9's and 7's (9977, 97979, 99977 etc)
I think your SC is trying to tell you to pay attention because an important message is coming. The same number thing is going on with me. all the time for weeks on end.
So, what does it mean to you. Angelnumbers says:
Angel Number 717 is a message from the angels that the new beginnings and opportunities occurring in your life will bring you into full alignment with your Divine life purpose and soul mission. You are encouraged to follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels regarding your next steps.
Angel Number 717 indicates that positive changes in your life have put you on the right track in regards to your life purpose and mission. Keep up the great work you have been doing and you will continue to manifest your good.
Angel Number 717 encourages you to continue with your positive affirmations and maintain an optimistic attitude as these are manifesting positive energies and auspicious opportunities for you. Seek out an occupation, past-time or hobby that taps into your natural talents and interests. You may even look to begin a course or line of study that will enhance your knowledge and benefit your life. Put what you learn into practice and you will serve to help and assist others as well as advance yourself along your personal path.