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  • Cheryl and Keith you are so right.

  • It's suggested that Obama is using these whistleblowers as a smoke screen to distract from Benghazi.

  •    Very interesting and something to ponder, The eugenics billionaire club meeting in South Carolina last week was enough to make one wonder what they were up to. Bloomberg spent 12 million to push Oboma's gun control bills so to me it looks like we have an American version of the Bilderberg's group going on. I often wondered if the American elite thought they might get thrown under the bus with the rest of us. I think the answer to part of this is, who is Valerie Jarrett working for, because she seems to be running the white. house.   

  • The title of the article is a question well worth considering, though the question is still very open ended.  Who is staging a coup against who? One elite faction against another?

    Or is this trend of bureaucrat whistle blowers coming out now a smokescreen . . . . hiding what?

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