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  • Joan   thanks I will look into it. 
  • Now I'm going to get more peanut butter too.  Byron, $10 a CAN!!!  During WWII items were also very hard to come by and there are other options for coffee made with herbs such as Cafix - all natural instant beverage.  There are others brands as well.  I like the Cafix and use it because of using homeopathic remedies - coffee is an antidote to the remedy.
  • I bought 5 jars of peanut butter today a news stations said it would double by this weekend. I already had 4 in storage. Coffee is my next project, I talked to a coffee stocker today and he said his Gourmet brands will not likely survive the winter, beans are getting very expensive because of disasters.Coffee is already $10 a can here.
  • Yea I got about 5 decent sized jars yesterday - gonna get more this Friday (Thanks for the heads up by the way)...was eyeballing the whole peanuts in the grocery store thinking "I need to find the unsalted intact ones so I can plant them!"
  • I picked up some extra peanut butter today
  • The other nice part is - peanut butter makes a good extra something for the dogs - we can ALL live on the stuff!   
  • At the moment we should all read the list of ingredients on the peanut butter jar. Some brands already have fillers. Stay away from Hydrogenated oil, salt, sugar such as corn syrup and other ingredients with hard to pronounce names. We buy just peanuts brands. I went to the grocery store today. The peanut butter price is the same for now.

  • We'll eat anything if we're truly starving.
  • Good point Keith!  I forgot about that cause I use them so fast, at least one every 4 or 5 days.  I know that it is the jelly that last a long time.  I was using a jar once that was just fine.  And when I through away the empty jar I noticed that it was best by 2 years ago. 
  • Keith Good point, something I would be on watch fo is the manufactures to start adding foreign ingredience to the mixture so their profit margin will not fall so badly.  I am reminded of Pillsberry blueberry muffin mix which has no blueberrys at all just petrochemical flavoring. When peanut butter goes over $5 a jar not many will be buying it so they will have to add something to keep the price down, READ the future labels. IMO
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