WARNING: religious content - do not watch the vid unless you're able to accept the alert message over the witnessing...
posting the vid here, even though parts of the vid commentary belong in a religion group...
close your ears if offended by a few words, and listen to the rest of the message...
sorry, I couldn't edit it for you...
(I disagree with his assuming the return, and agree more with the case presented in "Daniel's Timeline" posted on the Christianity - Protestant group. Making note of this, because I don't think he should be using this situation to 'scare' people in this manner. There's ways ones should witness, and there's ways one shouldn't.)
posted by:
The Jungle Apocalypse Podcast
21 Jun 2011 11:05 PM PDT
"This video is for every so-called “Truther” out there. This a very blatant
message. It is very point blank. As I have said before, I could care less how
many subscribers I have … the only subs I want is those who are seeking the
absolute truth and who want the warnings on a timely bases according to what is
going on. Below is a whole lot of links to look into."
Some like to hear both sides of an argument before making up their minds - ME!
I'm sharing this, for those who think that way, also.
Anticipated and feared visitor from deep space