WARNING: religious content - do not watch the vid unless you're able to accept the alert message over the witnessing...

posting the vid here, even though parts of the vid commentary belong in a religion group...

close your ears if offended by a few words, and listen to the rest of the message...

sorry, I couldn't edit it for you...

(I disagree with his assuming the return, and agree more with the case presented in "Daniel's Timeline" posted on the Christianity - Protestant group. Making note of this, because I don't think he should be using this situation to 'scare' people in this manner. There's ways ones should witness, and there's ways one shouldn't.)


posted by:

The Jungle Apocalypse Podcast
21 Jun 2011 11:05 PM PDT

"This video is for every so-called “Truther” out there. This a very blatant
message. It is very point blank. As I have said before, I could care less how
many subscribers I have … the only subs I want is those who are seeking the
absolute truth and who want the warnings on a timely bases according to what is
going on. Below is a whole lot of links to look into."

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  • Some like to hear both sides of an argument before making up their minds - ME!

    I'm sharing this, for those who think that way, also.

    Anticipated and feared visitor from deep space

  • This was an excellent video of what is really going on feel that ELE and  HAARP are the real rath instead of the lord Like you said remove the religious  crap and put the reality of man made in its place and the video is right on pace. To me utubers are people who float down the river in innertubes with a beer in their hand making the river yellow and most have little value to mankind.   
  • That should read: "There are ways" (in both places), instead of "There's ways"... should edit prior to posting! My bad.
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