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  • I know a scientist on fb who measures every summer solstice.   I will post his data tomorrow.

  • Do you know how much of a tilt we have now. The Northern part of Canada is warmer than the middle of the country. Today we woke up  in fog, had a sunny morning and afternoon and now we have rain, thunder and lightning. So if the power that be is hiding the sun position by seeding clouds, the tilt and wobble must be significant.

  • Rosemary the exaggerated earth tilt and wobble which is getting worse is affecting our weather patterns.  Our weather has been nuts in the past several months going from below normal to above normal, like a roller coaster effect.  It is annoying.  Last year we had way too much rain, this year the precipitation is more normal (thank God!!!).  

  • That is very strange to see. And it is not something made up. Our summer so far is colder than usual. We have sunshine in the morning and rain in the afternoon from dark grey clouds.  It makes one wonder if they are not hiding something.  Hard to explain to the general population.

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