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  • I hope enough of us have awakened to the lies.

  • This whole lie appears to be the last chance the cabal has to create a war to distract us from their plan to take the world down financially and enslave all of us. If other countries like China and Russia enter the war it will be WW3 and that seems to be their objective. If Iran steps into help then that will be the end of Iran which has been their goal from the beginning. What a horrid world we are living in. The Egyptian people would back Assad so they are being kept in a state of chaos.    

  • Yes, Don, I've been reading that too, finally.  There is real brinkmanship going on over there.  The grits are about to hit the fan.  The desperation is palpable. 

  • More proof the story and video were produced and reported the day before they happened.     

  • Here is the RT side of they story.

  • BBC coverage has to be questionable when UK, France, US and Israel are behind push to take Syria down. The report I heard was that the area the inspectors needed to get to was not secure enough to get to yet. Al Jazeera Reuters and Sky news reported this event before it happened and Youtube had videos posted the day before it occurred. Remember the video of the reporter saying building seven had fallen before it did it was standing right behind her.  

  • A link to Stan Deyo with images of the Syrian refugees


  • Cheryl,

    I have read a few reports that this info is being presented to discredit the Assad regime and this is actually a CIA/Israeli operation. Regardless, whomever is using these weapons on humans. I am outraged. These perpetrators will go to a very special prison for their actions.

    WMDs and any war weapon used anywhere on the planet is totally unacceptable. 

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