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  • The land elevation at the RNC in tampa is about 6 to 8 feet above sea level? So it wouldnt take much to cause many problems, and even a tropical storm could swamp them! You have to wonder at the choice? Still TPTB will have their candidates scurried out of there in time most likely, unless they were scheduled to be sacraficed just to make a big deal out of it? I try to think not so as they have many other opportunitys to befuddle the masses! It might just be used to say look we are here with you and suffer with you cause we are just that dependable? Well we dont know what Issac will do as of yet so lets keep our fingers crossed.

  • HMM could this really happen by accident? Yes once every 3600 yrs or every 26,000 yrs. If Miami gets blasted I will be looking at Alaska not aci-weather.  

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