The Choice we make; Fear or Love

A recent crop circle has been analysed in two ways, one shows the face of a man, some say Jesus, and the other analysis indicates a map of terrible earth events. It's the ultimate 'glass half full, glass half empty' question. Does this crop circle indicate fear or love to you?

Why Jesus?
The (alleged) "Venusians/ Pleiadians" who Ra in the 'Law of One' state that Jesus was one of their brotherhood, sent here to teach us about 'unconditional love and forgiveness'. Billy Miers (a credible source) who was visited by the (alleged) "Pleiadians" says the same thing about Jesus. Both of these sources also indicate that they also visited South America (Aztecs, Mayans) but withdrew soon after their teachings were distorted.

Fear or Love?
I'm also starting to think it's not only doom and gloom were are to expect. There is a mesage of love here as well. I think it's a reminder of the original message of love. I am also changing my perspective of the 2012 event. Maybe, it's like Cayce said, we should be rejoicing that we are the ones alive to be able to experience the changes, one that will be primarily focused on the spirtual (for some at least).

(Its just like the ZT's to turn everything into a scare mongering contest, I've no doubt now that they have absolutely no idea what the crop circles are about, because they are made by a different set of aliens, my guess is on the Venusians/ Pleiadians. Likewise the 'serpentine dance' crop circle is not necessary a countdown to the end of the world, but a reference to Quezacotl, another Jesus type figure who came to the South America's with teachings / knowledge - he often was visualised with a snake figure).

Additionally, articles in UK newspapers link the crop circle to the shroud of Turin,

Edgar Cayce
A very well respected source, due to his incredibly high accuracy also had this to say;

Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it.
Edgar Cayce Reading 2376-3

Wishing you all peace, love and light of the one creator.

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  • Thanks szlh, yeah.. you remember.! I was all torn apart within while without showing it, which might jeaprodise the wedding. And Thanks Teresa What a relief isn't it ! Blessing to you both !.
  • Thank you Bobby. I'll go on our honeymoon next weekend to the tropical islands of Phuket. I will enjoy everymoment of it while keeping my eyes open for those waves (receding ocean).
    Paris, I feel like we are moving out of the dark and into the light by living throu this wisdom, particularly in the approaching of "end of times" and into the "new beginning" yet to come.
  • I'm glad I helped you Bobby. You have done the same for me. You've helped move in a new direction in my life and I'm grateful for your wisdom. Thank you .
  • Cayce says that we should be happy to have this opportunity, and he was right pretty much all the time in his thousands of 'readings' ... so I guess Sonny we are on the right path. Let us help others as much as we can, help ourselves too, and together embrace each other as ... one. "do unto others as you would have others do unto you" Congratulations on your wedding Sonny.
  • This goes for me too Bobby;

    "I no longer live in fear, but in love. I'll tell you, it's a great feeling losing all that emotional baggage that comes from fear and worry. It's a great feeling ... giving thanks for each day and living for each day anew."

    Especially, the giving thanks part and be grateful for what ever you have and received. Life will change to the better!
  • Thanks Paris, but to be honest, I only got this far with pointers from you. As soon as you pointed me towards the Pleiadian messages, they made sense to me on a real deep level that's hard to describe in words, in a short post on this ning chat room. What's more, I went ahead and tried to use the teachings every day, on a real basis, not just as an intellectual excercise, and guess what, they really worked!! I no longer live in fear, but in love. I'll tell you, it's a great feeling losing all that emotional baggage that comes from fear and worry. It's a great feeling ... giving thanks for each day and living for each day anew.

    There is a battle in effect for our souls, it's being fought in the skies, between light and dark, and it's also being fought in our own minds/ thoughts.
  • I really think you're on to something here Bobby.
  • We are on a mixed up crazy world and information is hidden from us. All we can do is trust our own judgement and act on this. My feeling is that Zeta's and other powers that be are not telling us the big picture. Life is not about money, 'seperate-ness', hate, revenge, anger and material possessions, it's about compassion, love, forgiveness, 'togetherness', spirituality; this is what this crop circle says to me.

    As Jesus has become an 'icon' in our world to represent the above compassion, love, etc.; that's why these Pleiadians/ Venusians/ Law of One aliens use this image. I don't think it exempts other religions or peoples, no matter where they are from or look like.
  • The last picture reminds me of the Turin Shroud.
    Has anyone ever read a bood by Patrick Tilley called Mission. It is brilliant. About JC coming back to earth and talking to a jewish lawyer and explaining the biblical stories from another perspective. This book was saying that there is a war in Universe between Dark and Light. Good and Bad.
  • Bobby Dean, Thank you for the link to that superb article on crop circles! Fascinating! Has this individual written anything on our most current flurry of circles? I'd love to read that analogy.
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