October 1, 2013
Dear Friends,
The North American Vegetarian Society has announced the World's first Vegetarian Awareness Month beginning today. Laarkmaa has been speaking to us for years about a diet that is for the Highest Good For All, the ONLY diet that aids our ascension process. In a recently recorded radio show, Laarkmaa addressed all of the facets of a diet that includes meat and how it affects the planet and us. They included such topics as ingesting the energies of death and fear, lowering our vibration, how meat increases aggression and competition, thereby leading to conflict and war, and even the ramifications of eating meat on our financial well-being.
Laarkmaa's radio interview will be released on October 6th (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/within-radio/2013/10/06/messages-from-laarkmaa). If you choose, we invite you to listen to their wisdom about our diet and share it with others. We (Cullen and Pia) can personally attest to the fact that a long-term vegetarian diet increases one's clarity, awareness of other realms, and abilities to communicate with other species. We communicate with wild animals on a regular basis, in the spirit of the peaceful kingdom we are trying to build. We encourage you to listen deeply to Laarkmaa's perspective on diet and make conscious choices from your heart for the Highest Good of All.
Love and Light,
Cullen and Pia
Your awareness is obviously higher than hers.
My new neighbor raises meat chickens and she hangs them upside down in a funnel and slits their necks. That is supposed to be humane. Right.
I told her I raise chickens only for eggs and breeding and that I would never kill them. She's like in reference to killing meat chickens, "oh you get used to it". I told her no I would not because I refuse to kill any farm animal on my farm and it is the way I have always been. I even hated it when I would see my brother bring home dead animals from hunting.
One person at a time. By getting this information shared with friends and family.
Upon more reflection, this information has the same practical effect to ingesting negative news... ingesting news of fear and killing. I've been feeling much better since I stopped the daily ingestion of negative news.
Makes a whole lot of sense but how does one get the whole planet to stop killing and eating meat???
After listening to the audio, it makes you wonder how much our diets influence our thoughts and emotions. This is powerful information. Think of those who govern us, whose minds are polluted with a meat and chemically-laden western diet. As the audio says, changing the diet will change our politics. In fact, changing our diets away from killing for food will change our world.
From what I get, lacto-vegetarian would be okay because milk and eggs do not take lives. Would you consider the potential of life from eggs to be taking a life?
bump again
Bump. This is timely information.
This society is so entrenched into eating meat. I think the only thing that will change this completely will be the Transformation. The Transformation to the new earth will certainly eliminate this need. I can't wait.