The Earth is said to cast off her skin like a snake every so often. She has shed her skin at least 3 times prior. We may be now in the fourth round out of 7. Each geological age corresponds to a shedding. Each round also corresponds to a new root race.
reference: Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine. Volume 2, Anthropogenesis. Stanza 1. Beginnings of sentient life.
Ancient symbols of the snake do not just reflect their venom as cure or poison or even the branch of medicine. They reflect the shedding of skin on earth, the secret hidden by those who stand to gain by the event.
I am looking for more ancient references to the shedding of skin via snake if anyone knows of any.
The serpent is not red, here it is winged, perhaps this is what happens once we shed our skin?
Great link below to the Ripley library in Edinburgh, thanks for posting it, e
the image I posted was from the Ripley scroll which was drawn in the 1400's