The Watchers

This information resonates somewhat with the Pacification Program.  Interesting reading...

"God is even in control of those little gray guys, with the buggy night vision eyes, in their gravity-free ships. Big deal!"

Very Important Revelations & Instructions
Imagine a combination of the most sinister conspiracy theories, coupled with the scariest of science fiction thrillers. This may closely describe the way things really are today.
Things today are so totally not as they seem, that to begin to expose the truth will only be immediately dismissed, and denounced, as insanity and paranoia. Things are indeed so bad today that to try to expose the truth, or even anything close to it, may prove to be a dangerous undertaking for anyone.
Yes, things today are really that bad! And, worst of all, as out of control things seems to be, things are, in reality, under a very tight and strict control. Yes, everything is proceeding exactly according to plan. And there is nothing that anyone is able to do about it.
Yes, everything is very much under tight, secure control. In spite of any appearances to the opposite, the only amount of free choice left to us, is that which was planned from the outset. Things are the way they are, and maybe the scariest revelation of them all is, that this is exactly the way God wants it to be!
According to ancient "ascent" literature, both Biblical and extra-Biblical, the earliest of which dates from the days of the Babylonian exile in the 5th century BCE, humanity is under the constant eye, and control of a group of extraterrestrial entities, referred to in the Bible as the "Watchers." This is apparently ordained by God, and it is through this system, operated by these messengers from On High, that the real government of our planet, and our race is executed.  
Rabbi Tzadok will soon appear
on the HISTORY CHANNEL program,
Watch their website for air times.
Be seeing you...
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  • Justin there seems to be a lot of truth I the RA material, I remember an old spiritual person that was on this site that always quote Ra,  Paul who we never really understood fully RIP Paul.

  • Thanks, Justin.  That makes a lot of sense.

  • Justin,

    That is an excellent way to bring into perspective that all creation is one.

    We are all from the same dust regardless of what planet or galaxy we come from.  

  • I would like to add my two cents to the question of being created in his image. Quantum physics and/or string theory is only now starting to look into the connection to all. Being one with creation. "The Law of One" by Ra has provided me with, for me, the most acceptable answer to this question:

    Thus, within even the smallest “subatomic particle” is the image of the entire Creation, much like a hologram. There is a universe within each of your cells – formed with the same basic patterns as the One Infinite Creator. Hence, “God made Man in Its own image.”

    It is not about the physical appearance of the human race, or any other extra or inter dimensional race for that matter. It is about the building blocks of the universe. The particles that make it all up. It is all the same, it is all one...

  • Cheryl,

    I think we need to really consider the ET connection. It seems so obvious with so many dots connected that it is almost guaranteed.

    I have a feeling we'll see soon enough but we may have to tough things out a bit.

    That is why your work showing people the way  to prepare is so important.

    In the past few years since ZT I have been proud of all the work you do to bring awareness to all.

    My sincere thanks,

    PS, did you get my email regarding the science group post?

  • Keith, I agree entirely with your comment that "We just don't know our full potential because of our enslavement."

    IMO, we are denied access to our full potential by not being able to turn on dormant DNA - which I think has something to do with the blockage of the pineal gland as well.

    Throughout our history we have been biologically altered (past ET intervention), pyschologically altered (through various religions and money) and more recently chemically altered (fluoride, chem trails, etc).

    We may need assistance of some sort to reboot our complete system (cosmic energy wave or dare I say it - ET intervention maybe?) so that we can access all of our abilities -  that I believe are much, much more than what we could even consider possible today!

  • Don, I know some scientists pointed out the replica was much smaller.  But it was also pointed out the type of wood used for rolling had a soft center and would have been crushed by the weight.  So, maybe we're back to ET help.

  • Keith  I think you have the right take on things.

  • "God made alien life forms as well."  It is stated in prophetic messages that God is the creator of all life in the universe, including life on planets that is far beyond our understanding.  So that means aliens are part of God's creation.

  • Ancient Aliens just aired last night which spoke of "watchers".  I only was able to watch half of the new episode before I fell asleep.  Of course, I always laugh at that guy's hair style... (Giorgio T.)

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