Maybe not, but since the subject has been made public, I've never noticed any public dialogue about toxic pharmaceutical drugs being passed from one partner to another in the exchange of bodily fluids. How many people would stop having sex if they knew they were being made toxic by their partner's meds? What would that do to profits? Think about it.
Not surprising at all. There was another one "Confessions of an Internet Shill" that was posted here a month or two ago. Our corporate government pays people to suppress free speech.
Cheryl, for some reason this has reminded me of a story about a person who was "trolling" a local homeopath (Monika) on Facebook back in 2010/11.
Monika had been getting very suspicious about this person (Elaine Hutton) who always posted anti-homeopath and pro big pharma posts after many of Monika's homeopath posts. It got to the point that Monika actually accused Elaine of being a troll for big pharma.
Eventually this is a message that Monika received from Elaine (which was posted on Facebook at the time):
"Elaine Hutton... Monika, I do apologise. You totally sussed me. It's after midnight, so I have just come to the end of my year's contact with big pharma. So I am now at liberty to speak of what I have done. I have no particular interest in pharmaceutical... or in alternative therapies. However early in 2010 I answered an ad that had been placed in The Guardian job pages from a conglomerate of pharmaceutical companies, and I have been employed by them for the last 12 months. My remit was to spend 20 minutes a day on the Natural Therapies facebook page leaving comments that recommended that people consult doctors and hospitals rather than rely on any of the therapies that some folks on here were recommending. I had only one interview and was immediately recruited for the role. Now that the year is up I can speak openly about this role. I was not allowed to during my tenure, but having checked my contract there's no stipulation that once the term is finished that I cannot tell people what I have been doing. The salary for this job was a basic of US$60,000. But if I worked more than 20 minutes per day there was additional payments. In the last 12 months I have earned a little in excess of $100,000. That has been sufficient to pay off my mortgage. The excess has been invested in an annuity that is going to give me a very healthy income through my retirement. I do apologise if I have caused you any stress in your belief in all your bowel therapies, but I am sure that you can understand why I was tempted when for less than 200 hours work I was paid $100,000."
I think we have all assumed or at least suspected this sort of thing went on - but to have a first hand confession is unusual I would think.
Yep. That's why guys gotta get the HPV vaccination. I read somewhere today that some agency is going to start monitoring social networks for those who promote anti-vaccination information.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity for another (ineffective) drug marketing program for big pharma to me!
And the lifetime of drinking and smoking didn't adversely affect his immune system that allowed him to contract this cancer ..... sure!