There Will Be An Event No One In The World Will Deny!!

"This recording was part of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session. The subject is Ron Head and is deep in hypnosis. The practitioner is Suzanne Spooner.

When Ron is hypnotized he accesses the Creator or God energy. Each session, Suzanne guides Ron into trance and then asks questions on a topic. Each time he gives beautiful, deep and profound answers. They place these recordings on their website,

This recording was made at the end of their 9th session on November 6th, 2013. Suzanne had thought the session was complete and had turned off the recording. On a whim she asked one more time if there was anything else that needed to be discussed.

After a long pause Ron, still in trance, starts to speak again. Suzanne quickly starts to record again mid-sentence."

Three recordings are provided on this web page:

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  • You may also enjoy this:

    "Published on Oct 8, 2013

    This is part of the first QHHT session that Ron Head had with Suzanne Spooner. In a typical QHHT session, the client experiences 1-2 past lives or other experiences which starts to tell a story of why the clients' life is the way it is and to answer a list of questions that the client has come to the session with. The next part of the session is where the client is guided to allow their High Self to use the clients voice to specifically answer the questions on their list. The High Self is the bigger you. The part of you that has been with you always, through every life and experience. It truly knows you better than you know you! "It" is also part of the collective conscious so it truly knows everything. :)

    As this recording starts, we are starting to have the conversation with Ron's High Self. I noticed though that his vernacular was different though than in most other sessions. Also, the energy in the room truly expanded! So, I was preceding with the session or trying to!! What does one say when speaking with the energy referred to as I AM, Mother, Father, God? We hope you truly enjoy this recording. We present it as an example of how every one of us has this beautiful knowledge within themselves. Dolores Cannon's beautiful process of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy is a way to find the path to your journey, your truth throughout time."

  • Yes, Peter, it sounds like it will be good.  I look forward to it too.

    Yep, Keith, it will be indescribable. 

  • My pleasure Sandra - it is truly an uplifting message. (I trust you viewed all 3 video parts.)

    What I understand from the videos is that not everyone will experience the "assist" for what it is, but for those that have started down the path of personal enlightenment this will be an unmistakable event.

    What ever we call it Cheryl - it will be good!

  • Keith, it's hard to say.  It seemed like several seconds in the 3D time meme.  Enough for it to register and me to wonder.  Then it passed. 

    Peter, I take it to mean an "assist" in our individual ascension journey.  An assist that will make that journey easier, quicker and more fruitful.

  • The truth will be very welcome for me.

  • So, the "Event" is more of an "awakening" (to put it simply) than an "ascension"?

    This resonates with me and sounds pretty exciting if it means we are going to be able to fix this world!

    Maybe we will be able to access more of our dormant DNA as well and have closer or more open connection to source.

    I agree Kim, bring it on!

  • Wish it would hurry up and happen!
  • Excellent information!  Another confirmation of my knowingness that ascension is an individual "thing" and when the "flash" occurs wherever each of us is on our spiritual path, we will be uplifted for some moments.  But then we return to where we are, albeit forever changed, to continue with our missions, the reasons we are here at this time. 

    Christ consciousness never left, we have just been unable to access it.  In a nutshell, the flash will lift the veils over our consciousnesses and give us a glimpse, an upliftment, a taste of it and we will forever be our priorities, in the way we live our lives.  Not everyone will accept it, but that is their paths to follow.  We will continue on, but with more clarity and better focus on what's truly important.

    Ron Head discusses how some of us have already had a glimpse and instantly it came to mind an experience I had last year.  It was very, very brief, but it was profound.  After coming to a conclusion about something, I experienced what I could only express as pure joy, coming from outside me it seemed.  It was the most amazing thing I had ever felt.  I took it that I had made a correct decision (one that involved love on a transcendent level).  If that was a piercing of the veil, then what lies beyond is truly beyond words to describe.

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