At 11pm Wednesday night a 4.6 just north of Vientiane (where I am) at 16.2 km depth has people here talking about the end of the world. Although just a small rattling shake enough to make tall cupboards swaying, there were no dammage or injuries the resident surely have felt it. Me and my brother have felt it too. He thought someone has stormed our house. But the following day which was yesterday surely there it was, a real tremor registered on the USGS site.
Althought it is small one and hardly any news, it was non-theless significant to the locals and I think it is significant in the scheme of things that is the sign that The End is Nigh. Earthchanges in terms of EQ is really proliferating to every existing little cracks around the globe that "where there are no earthquakes there will be", Nostradameus (or some phrophet) once said.
Update Oh there is news on it afterall.
I am pretty sure that when they say everywhere they mean everywhere......
Another view.....of the 4.6 quake...