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  • Best to have 3 years of canned food and dry and water, medical supplies and vitamins for every member of your family. Bottled water may still be good at 3 years? Better than dying of thirst. Make sure you have many canned goods such as vegetables that have water in them as well. Work on your gardens now, they may be of some use also depending on what actually happens overall. Use your imaginations and Spiritual intuition.Spices are great things to stock up on also, as well as anything that can be bartered like alcohol,ciggarettes, toliet paper and such. Just because you dont have a habit doesnt mean the person you may have to barter with doesnt. Camping gear of all kinds is very good to have as well as a bug out backpack and many fire starters. Water filters will be like gold if the city water supply is turned off. And some wells may not work unless they have hand pumps. Even then. So you see this is really not all about gold or money? You cant eat it!

  • This seems to be the plan of TPTB! But dont buy gold as they can manipulate it and have the prices skyrocket, then sell and give the losses to the buyers, and buy it back at a great profit, just like they did with Fort Knox gold. There is not much of anything in FK anymore but dust! Buy silver it will retain its small value and even grow in value. Then you will have something to barter with when the dollar collapses. If all you can get is a bag of groceries and all you have is an ounce of gold? Lol cut it in half? But if you give the person a silver dollar or ounce of silver for the grocerys then the trade would be fairer. About 2000 dollars worth of actual silver would be a good idea for the average family to attain. And that aint much!

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