Well, the "Always-Right-Again" Zetas of Zetatalk fame have opined that the "new" Kim Jong Un is "new" because he has a walk-in soul. Perhaps, but it has been noted by past-life researchers that it is uncommon for a soul to be "let off the hook" of a lifetime, especially when things are going wrong. We are here for missions and lessons to learn, so it is a rare occurrence.
Now, the notion that the old soul had to be removed to re-align the world stage is tempting to buy, but my internal guidance says: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! Hahahaha! Sorry, but that ain't the way it works. If it did, then Nancy Lieder would have had a massive transformation and Zetatalk could have gotten back on track after her coup. LOL! It's TRUE! My SC is laughing his/her/its ass (as if) off (and so am I) as I type this!
Okay, enough, moving on, could there be other reasons for Kim Jong Un's about-face?
Yes. Using Occam's Razor (the simplest reason is usually the correct one), the answer is self-evident. People who are bullies (or child abusers or wife beaters or ...) are that way because of the contagion of aberration. In other words, they were bullied, or abused, or beaten themselves and that's what caused them to become abusers.
It has become common knowledge (if true) that North Korea was a client of the CIA, making Kim Jong Un a client king. Who knows what went into the formation of that unholy alliance, but it is very possible that Kim Jong Un had to toe the line or suffer the consequences. Thus, he was likely bullied and he, in turn, became a bully. Or else.
So, the simplest reason for his transformation is that higher powers offered him a better opportunity. Further, higher powers may have dealt with his egoic mind, in other words, healed him of his negative afflictions.(1)
Just my opinion, but Kim Jong Un is an example of a man who's life was threatened (unlike Obama, who was said to be doing all manner of evil because he and his family's life was threatened, but managed to get in lots of vacations and golf games and seemed not to have a care in the world). Compare Obama with Kim Jong Un before and after, who seems like a man in ecstasy, like being granted a new lease on life, like a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders. (If he keeps the haircut, that will prove the Zetas are wrong about a soul transplant. If I walked-in, that damn haircut would be the first to go!)
Which leads me to ZT's continuing assertion that Obama is an Old Soul/the Messiah/Lincoln Reincarnated. They have, from the get-go preached Obama. A new clue has surfaced. While, it has been obvious that Zetatalk is a psyop, and since it is obviously politically left-leaning(2), this new information ZT just published is a huge clue that it is likely a card-carrying member of the Deep State.
(1) Other possibilities are the Voice of God technology (or other mind control technology) was used on him, negative entities were the cause of his negative behavior, etc., which were blocked/removed by higher powers, etc.
(2) Imagine benign ETs getting involved in Earth politics, they're too smart for that.
Me neither.
NO I don't.
Yeah, major karma there, but do you think the original soul was let off the hook?
There is an underlying agenda that is for sure.
Kim's nuclear blast tunnel collapsed and the whole country will probably be radiated forever and he needs a place to move to is my guess.
Bad guys have a history of being bad Kim fed his uncles to starving dog and killed people with anti aircraft guns and made hundreds watch he is sick. Obama killed thousands with drones and thought it was funny and destroyed the entire country of Libya on a lie he is very sick and tried to destroy the USA.
Both are psychopaths and not any person or alien would want to walk into them for any reason, ZAP your a good guy how ridiculous.
Something, or someone, changed his mind. Maybe his wife had a hand in it? LOL.