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  • Amy, send me one of your images and I'll see if I can get it uploaded to this blog.
  • I just read tonight that the SPT telescope does not produce pictures, as it is a radio telescope.  Does anyone know if that is true or is it disinfo to try to discredit the leaks?
  • The Good Dr. has told me he was turned off from watching for the BDS by what Terral had posted, and was watching for other signs of its approach ... I can only hope he will reconsider
  • Nothing so far Morris :(
  • A Brown Dwarf is normally only seen in the Infrared spectrum ... and would only become visible if and when it should come within the orbit of Jupiter ... as the solar wind would cause it to grow a tail just as any comet would.   As to the BDS images,I can not post the images using my new PC with Windows 7 ... but the images leaked from our South Pole Telescope in 2007-08 clearly show a BDS with 6 objects orbiting it ... in 2009, our friends at StarViewerTeam created a really nice MSPP work file dipicting this same mini-solar system sitting just outside of our system, and italso has 6 planets ... and they project it interacting with our system this year, and in 2012.  In 2012, they projected its outer planet swinging through our system between Jupiter & Saturn ... and they called this outer planet ... Nibiru 

  • I have read that 80% of known star systems are binary. The odds are that our system is also. There also seems to be a lot of circumstantial evidence to support this theory: archealogically, astronomically and historically speaking. But, like Brandon., I sure would like to see that dang BDS.
  • @Brandon If  even if it exists it woudnt be visible to naked eye to everyone until it less than 1Au. And there are so many second sun sightings floating in can check that out.

    There is too many Disinfo set out by US government and deployed agents by US government who pose as amateaur Astronomers who discredit its existence. Almost all other genuine Elenin photos is got by other Amateur photos.

    Seeing Earth tilting and wobbling like crazy and innumerable volcanic eruptions...Yes...There is something big coming behind Elenin....Something very big!! Just wait till end of August and start of september you can see with your naked eye

  • They  are  all listed  in order   on the  page that  I  just  gave  you a link for .  That  is  the  page  to  a  listing of  all her  blogs without  exception.
  • Are Amy's blogs on the right side of the screen?
  • Brandon  you  can  easily access Amy's  blogs and  see  all the  photos there  for yourself.  There  is   quite  a lot  of  information  on her  blogs.

    All of  her  posts are  listed  here  for your  convenience.


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