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  • Maybe by landing in farm fields they can hook up there beams to tractors and the scenario will be complete. Each of the four races probably only have one ship each per planet so this could not work and I am sure they will have to check with captain Kirk to see which malls they are allowed to visit maybe TSA also. I will be sure to watch the star Trek series so I can figure out how this ends. Aliens arresting bankers is much more realistic than some human pretending to be channeling what he dreams about after drinking and watching star trek.  

  • They both had tractor beams.  From Wikipedia:  The original Death Star had a tractor beam and first appears in its completed form in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977).  Star Trek, of course, was a decade earlier.  "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" is a first-season episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, first broadcast on January 26, 1967, that had a tractor beam. 

  • yes, a point has been lost. I think what Tolec is saying, is this. Disclosure will be a process if filtering down, percolating through the mass mind, starting with those who are open to contact with these people. I would include most or  all of the regulars on this forum and one or two others. I would love to meet them be they red skinned native American features, or the tall blue eyed blonds or red skinned with blue and yellow hair, with pink flecks!!!!  . the more the merrier. Another point, Tolec says they will walk amongst the shopping malls, and streets, and meet with ordinary people. this will be the best way of acclimatisation. I want t go aboard one of the craft, most here would I think.

  • I could always stand on a stool  !!!!!!  what worries me is will they catch their heads on the ceilings? might be a few headaches in my house, ---not mine, I am only a short guy...

  • Nick I think the only problem you will have is a stiff neck from looking up at them to talk.

  • Love to meet them, Byron. Now, do they like a nice pot of Indian tea, and maybe a buttered crumpet or two? I often have thoughts of what it would be like meeting one of these beings, would really really like to meet them, that is if they could put up with me, which is doubtful. but you never know.

  • YES IT IS  the same source Tolec. THIS IS INFO FROM LAST NIGHT about the final base. My caps lock is sticking. 

  • Byron! my post dated 3/23 "TRANSFORMING THE EARTH" at Is it relevant to this post?

  • I can see in all the channels that something is about to happen. I might be able to turn the TV back on and get some truth.

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